



2005 March Speech Rally in Support of Finning Workers
Mar 2, 2005

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, March 2005 We’re here today because you’re company – that company right there – is turning its back on you. Some […]

Random drug testing – Employers intoxicated by bad idea
Mar 1, 2005

Changing human rights legislation to allow random drug testing is shortsighted, ill-conceived and potentially dangerous, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. The AFL was responding to reports of a report, […]

Tories should stop patting themselves on the back for increasing minimum wage
Feb 9, 2005

EDMONTON – In his annual address to the province last night, Alberta Premier Ralph Klein promised to help low-paid workers by increasing the minimum wage. But anything less than a […]

2005 February Speech TWU Northern Alberta Reporting Meeting
Feb 2, 2005

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, February 2005 Good afternoon. My name is Kerry Barrett and I’m here to bring greetings on behalf of the Alberta Federation […]

2005 January Speech Calgary and District Labour Council AGM
Jan 2, 2005

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, January 2005 Good evening and thank you for this opportunity to talk to you about the work of the AFL. As […]

Ask your candidate where they stand on Public Interest Issues!
Nov 2, 2004

Public Interest Alberta, a new provincial advocacy organization, has launched a great campaign to challenge all provincial candidates to define where they stand on key public interest issues. Called “A […]