



Migrant Agricultural Workers in Alberta (2003)
May 2, 2003

Migrant Agricultural Workers in America (2003) Policy paper adopted at 2003 AFL Convention, May 1 – 4, 2003

Labour and Communities: Organizing for Change (2003)
May 2, 2003

Labour and Communities: Organizing for Change (May 2003) Policy paper adopted by 2003 AFL Convention

Don’t be fooled by Tory spin on Bill 27
May 2, 2003

You have to hand it to the Klein Tories – they sure know how to spin a tall tale. Take the case of Bill 27, for example, their controversial new […]

AFL convention continues in Calgary
May 1, 2003

CALGARY – Union leaders and activists from across the province will put together an action plan for dealing with the Klein government’s controversial new labour law – Bill 27 – […]

AFL Convention in Calgary
Apr 30, 2003

CALGARY – Union leaders and activists from across the province will gather in Calgary this week to take part in the biennial convention of the Alberta Federation of Labour. The […]

Day of Mourning Commemorates Workers Killed and Injured at Work
Apr 28, 2003

Today, workers in Alberta will mark the 8th Annual International Day of Mourning for workers killed and injured on the job. Remembrances will take place at workplaces and at special […]