



New Legislature session will feature renewed attacks on basic workers rights
Feb 26, 2002

EDMONTON – Despite government reassurances and claims to the contrary, the new session of the Legislature is shaping up as an historic showdown on issues such as public health care […]

Back-to-work order will not solve the problems plaguing our schools
Feb 21, 2002

EDMONTON – The government can use its legal clout to force teachers back to work, but they can’t make teachers and parents forget their concerns about over-crowded classrooms and chronic […]

AFL welcomes nurses into the House of Labour
Jan 17, 2002

EDMONTON – The Alberta labour movement became stronger and more cohesive yesterday, thanks to a decision by the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) to join the Alberta Federation of Labour. […]

Unions will have no choice but to bargain for health benefits if Maz report is implemented, says AFL
Jan 8, 2002

EDMONTON – If the Alberta government proceeds with changes to Medicare proposed today by the Mazankowski commission, businesses in the province will be saddled with new costs and the so-called […]

Alberta must revise labour law to grant agricultural workers the right to join unions
Dec 21, 2001

EDMONTON – In light of yesterday’s ground-breaking Supreme Court ruling on the rights of farm workers, the Alberta government should move quickly to revise its labour laws to give agricultural […]

Alberta Federation of Labour Year End Statement, December 2001
Dec 20, 2001

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is predicting a year of increased labour unrest as low unemployment and healthy economic growth create conditions that will produce substantial wage increase […]