



Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace (2001)
May 3, 2001

Position Statement – Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace (2001) Presented at the 3rd Biennial Convention, May 3 – 6, 2001

Labour of Loss (2001)
May 3, 2001

Labour of Loss: An Examination of the Economic Effects of Discrimination in the Canadian Labour Market and Recommendations for the Labour Movement in the New Millennium (Policy Paper presented at […]

AFL delegates will rally at Petro-Can tomorrow to support striking workers
May 3, 2001

EDMONTON – Several hundred union members participating in the Alberta Federation of Labour’s biennial convention will rally outside of a downtown PetroCan station tomorrow to show support for striking refinery […]

AFL convention opens tomorrow in Edmonton
May 2, 2001

EDMONTON – More than three hundred union leaders and activists from around the province will be in Edmonton tomorrow to participate in the opening day of the Alberta Federation of […]

Union activists and leaders gather in Edmonton for AFL Convention
Apr 30, 2001

EDMONTON – Union leaders and activists from around the province will gather in Edmonton this week to attend the biennial convention of the Alberta Federation of Labour. This year, the […]

Day of Mourning Chance to Make Workplaces Safer
Apr 28, 2001

Albertans need to not forget the 14 year old boy killed at a construction site, or the Subway store employee beaten to death by a robber, says Alberta Federation of […]