



Review Committee Reports Agree with Workers that WCB System Not Working
Nov 20, 2000

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today responded to the release of two WCB Review Committee Reports by stating that injured workers have been vindicated by the findings. Both reports […]

Cormack urges Conservatives to “safeguard our most precious resource”
Nov 17, 2000

EDMONTON – On a day dedicated to our nation’s children, Audrey Cormack, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour is asking the Klein government, “where is the money in the […]

Government Taking On A Health and Safety Headache in Swan Hills Plant
Oct 20, 2000

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour released documents today accessed through the Freedom of Information Act which show that Bovar employees have elevated PCB levels in their blood and […]

The “Hidden Giveaways” of the Federal Mini-Budget: Corporate Tax Cuts
Oct 19, 2000

The hidden secret in yesterday’s pre-election mini-budget by Federal Finance Minister Paul Martin was billions in corporate tax reductions, the AFL points out today. Despite the crowings of the Finance […]

Cormack urges leaders to embrace the progressive spirit of the “Famous Five”
Oct 17, 2000

EDMONTON – Politicians like Ralph Klein and Jean Chretien should dust off their history books tomorrow and learn some valuable lessons from the past, says AFL president Audrey Cormack. Tomorrow […]

Working Alone Committee Members Issue “Minority Report”
Oct 4, 2000

Labour members of the Task Force that recommended new provisions for working alone regulations released a “minority report” today stating the provisions “fall short” in protecting workers. The “Minority Report” […]