



AFL Officers Endorse Pannu for NDP Leadership
Sep 19, 2000

The elected officers of the Alberta Federation of Labour today endorsed Strathcona MLA Raj Pannu’s bid for the leadership of the Alberta New Democrats. President Audrey Cormack and Secretary Treasurer […]

Billion Dollar Corporate Tax Cut Shows Government Priorities
Sep 14, 2000

The $1 billion tax cut for corporations announced yesterday by the Alberta government exposes the government’s real priority is giving money back to corporate friends and not investing in essential […]

International survey criticizes Alberta labour laws
Sep 13, 2000

EDMONTON – The Brussels-based International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) was critical of Alberta labour laws in its annual global survey of labour rights released today. “The ICTFU survey […]

Federation preparing to launch new phase of Worker Literacy Project
Sep 7, 2000

The Alberta Federation of Labour is set to undertake a new phase of their Worker Literacy Project. Cormack, President of the AFL resolves that “we will continue training workplace literacy […]

AFL predicts showdown over labour laws
Aug 31, 2000

Unions and workers across Alberta should brace themselves for a fight because next year will probably be Ralph Klein’s “year of retribution” against organized labour, says Audrey Cormack, president of […]

“Wearfair” rallies target sporting good outlets in Edmonton and Calgary
Aug 25, 2000

Activists concerned about sweatshop labour will stage rallies outside two popular sporting goods shops in Edmonton and Calgary over the weekend. Both rallies will be held on Saturday, August 26 […]