



Six ways to improve the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit COVID-19
Apr 6, 2020

Applications for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) opened today, meaning hundreds of thousands of Canadian workers will likely begin applying to look for much-needed support. While the efforts the […]

Child care is an essential service for Albertans during this crisis, and always – AFL
Apr 6, 2020

COVID-19 has exposed gaps and a lack of child care for Alberta workers, which is only exasperated by a public health emergency EDMONTON – COVID-19 has shown that rather than […]

Public Education During a Crisis: COVID-19 Arrives in Alberta – AFL
Mar 31, 2020

*The Alberta Federation of Labour is producing a blog series which looks at what happens to public education during a time of crisis. We will evaluate what the Alberta government […]

UCP’s decision to axe 20,000 education jobs during a crisis will set families adrift and further damage the economy, says AFL – AFL
Mar 28, 2020

EDMONTON – “Cowardly, cold-hearted, dishonest and irresponsible.” That’s how the president of the Alberta Federation of Labour describes the decision by the Kenney government to cut more than 20,000 jobs […]

AFL calls for stronger wage subsidy program to ensure jobs and employment for Albertans – AFL
Mar 26, 2020

Canada should copy bold programs in countries like Denmark EDMONTON – Alberta’s largest advocacy organization for working people is urging governments to take further steps to support Canadian workers through […]

Many employers are not following government guidelines on COVID-19. What is the UCP going to do about it? – AFL
Mar 23, 2020

AFL demands answers on behalf of anxious Alberta workers EDMONTON – What is the UCP going to do about the many employers in the province who are not following government […]