



Alberta unions offer alternative plan for dealing with COVID-19 crisis and oil price crash – AFL
Mar 19, 2020

A proposal from the Alberta Federation of Labour Alberta is facing a double-barreled crisis, the likes of which we’ve never seen before. The COVID-19 pandemic and the global oil price […]

Alberta lacks ‘surge capacity’ in health care system because of past cuts – AFL
Mar 19, 2020

Kenney government needs to open more acute care and intensive care hospital beds – STAT! EDMONTON – If something dramatic isn’t done very soon to expand the number of acute […]

Alberta unions demand that the UCP scrap the budget they just passed – AFL
Mar 18, 2020

It’s “courting disaster” to proceed with an austerity budget while the Alberta economy is “falling off a cliff” EDMONTON – Alberta unions are demanding that Jason Kenney’s UCP government immediately […]

UCP misled Albertans on PAID sick leave, causing more confusion for workers and employers during a crisis – AFL
Mar 17, 2020

Everything has been shutting down and STILL no one knows if or how they’re getting paid Statement from Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour For Immediate ReleaseMarch […]

Alberta unions condemn UCP decision to ram through deeply-flawed budget – AFL
Mar 16, 2020

“They’re using the current crisis as a pretext to pass an ideological budget that does not fit the times and which will hurt, not help our province.” Statement from Gil […]

Alberta unions demand paid sick leave for all Albertans – AFL
Mar 11, 2020

Federal measures are welcome, but province also needs to take action EDMONTON – If the UCP is serious about addressing COVID19, they also need to get serious about making it […]