



The Teck lesson: “Kenney’s climate belligerence is doing more to drive away investment and kill jobs than anything that’s been done by environmentalists or Indigenous protesters.” – AFL
Feb 24, 2020

The following statement has been issued by Alberta Federation of Labour president, Gil McGowan, in response to Teck’s decision to withdraw their application for Frontier Mine. EDMONTON – The letter […]

UCP attack on doctors should set off alarm bells with Albertans, say AFL president – AFL
Feb 21, 2020

Gil McGowan, president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group, the Alberta Federation of Labour, released the following statement about the UCP’s attack on doctors: The Kenney government’s decision to tear […]

Don’t you dare! – AFL
Feb 19, 2020

Why working Albertans don’t trust Jason Kenney with their retirement savings For Immediate Release February 19, 2020 EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has released a new report […]

UCP government must remove caps, juries to grow Alberta’s screen industry – AFL
Feb 11, 2020

Unions release report with recommendations for screen funding For Immediate Release February 11, 2020 CALGARY – A new Alberta of Federation of Labour (AFL) report reveals why the UCP government’s […]

The UCP continues to kill jobs, not create them – AFL
Feb 7, 2020

New report shows there are now thousands fewer Albertans with jobs than when the UCP took over For Immediate Release February 7, 2020 EDMONTON – A report released by Statistics […]

Canadian Taxpayers Federation attack on front-line nurses’ contract shows open collusion with the Kenney Government – AFL
Feb 5, 2020

For Immediate Release February 5, 2020 EDMONTON – The Canadian Taxpayers Federation’s intentionally misleading attack on the United Nurses of Alberta’s current collective agreement shines a bright light on the […]