



While Canada reports a decent jobs rebound, Alberta’s unemployment rises – AFL
Jan 10, 2020

‘Where are the jobs, Jason?’ says Gil McGowan, AFL president Edmonton – Today’s Labour Force Survey release is good news for Canada but bad news for Alberta and Jason Kenney’s […]

The UCP weaken safety rules that protect working Albertans – AFL
Dec 13, 2019

Statement from Gil McGowan, President, Alberta Federation of Labour EDMONTON – Under the guise of “red tape reduction,” the UCP has begun their attack on the safety rules that protect […]

Leader of Alberta’s labour movement urges federal government to say ‘no’ to Jason Kenney’s plea for cash – AFL
Dec 10, 2019

McGowan will deliver his message at a meeting of union leaders and activists in Winnipeg today WINNIPEG – In a speech to labour leaders and activists in Winnipeg today, the […]

UCP government creating policies that will contribute to gender inequality – AFL
Dec 6, 2019

On this day, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, the AFL demands action on gender inequality in Alberta Edmonton – On this day, the National […]

UCP is using a report that government experts characterized as “poor quality” and “highly inaccurate” to justify deep cuts to health care – AFL
Dec 2, 2019

Documents obtained through Freedom of Information paint a picture of the UCP’s willingness to use shoddy data to support pre-ordained conclusions EDMONTON – One of the reports that the Kenney […]

Black Friday takes on a new meaning as Jason Kenney’s budget cuts lead to the loss of at least 750 nursing jobs
Nov 29, 2019

Statement from Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour EDMONTON – “Do you remember when Jason Kenney promised jobs and economic growth? Do you remember when he said […]