



New campaign asks Albertans to “Join the Resistance” against #KenneysCuts and the #KenneyRecession – AFL
Nov 5, 2019

Kenney’s cuts will trigger a recession and crash the Alberta economy, warn unions For Immediate Release Nov. 5, 2019 CALGARY – Some of Alberta’s largest unions have launched a campaign […]

New report confirms Kenney’s budget will tip Alberta into recession and kill more jobs than the oil price collapse of 2014-16 – AFL
Oct 30, 2019

EDMONTON OCTOBER 29, 2019 – A new report has confirmed earlier warnings that the UCP’s first budget will kill as many as 114,000 jobs, split between the public and private […]

The UCP is using lies to justify an attack on the standard of living of Albertans working in the public sector – AFL
Oct 30, 2019

Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan: Jason Kenney and the UCP have broken faith with the thousands and thousands of public-sector Albertans who helped elect them. During […]

Budget cuts much deeper and more damaging than Kenney admits – AFL
Oct 24, 2019

‘Jason Kenney is playing games with numbers,’ says Gil McGowan, AFL president EDMONTON OCTOBER 24, 2019 – Today’s budget cuts will be much deeper than Kenney admits. The reality is […]

New report says Kenney’s planned public service cuts will devastate Alberta’s economy
Oct 23, 2019

EDMONTON – Implementation by the Kenney government of the MacKinnon report’s recommendations could drive Alberta’s economy into recession and result in the loss of up to 113,500 jobs in both […]

The “Kenney Recession” – AFL
Oct 22, 2019

Proposed UCP cuts would hurt economy worse than oil price crash Jason Kenney was elected in Alberta on the promise of economic prosperity and job growth but he plans to […]