



Anti-union policy is at the heart of the Conservative party – AFL
Oct 18, 2019

This election, vote against the Conservatives and American-style right-to-work laws In their policy declaration, the Conservative Party of Canada supports American-style right-to-work laws that drive down wages by starving unions […]

Unions release top 10 list of “lies and distortions” being used by UCP to justify cuts – AFL
Oct 7, 2019

McGowan urges citizens and reporters to use the list as protection against the “avalanche of bulls#%t that the UCP is about to dump on our province” EDMONTON – The Kenney […]

Top 10 Lies and Distortions the UCP is using to justify cuts – AFL
Oct 7, 2019

The Kenney government is about to make devastating cuts to education, health care and other vital public services that Albertans rely upon… based on distortions and outright lies about things like public-sector spending and public-sector wages.

Innocuous-sounding program announced today is really aimed at busting unions and suppressing wages, says AFL
Oct 1, 2019

EDMONTON – The innocuous-sounding “Employee Labour Relations Support Program,” announced today by the UCP, is really a union-busting initiative and part of a larger wage suppression agenda being pursued by […]

Life is harder for Alberta’s minimum wage workers this October 1
Sep 30, 2019

Wage cuts for some, a freeze for the first time this decade for everyone else Edmonton: Alberta’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) has gone up 1.3% since last year, yet for […]

Joining in Solidarity with the Youth-Led Global Climate Strike – AFL
Sep 25, 2019

A Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan Climate change is the single most pressing issue we face. Students across the globe are taking inspiration from Swedish teenager […]