



Bill 2—Labour Law Changes – AFL
May 31, 2019

Bill 2—Labour Law Changes As part of Bill 2, the UCP has returned to a familiar tactic—interfering with union certification votes. In 2017, the previous government struck a strong balance; […]

International experience shows youth wages kill jobs for older workers – AFL
May 29, 2019

Alberta Federation of Labour report debunks UCP’s youth minimum wage Edmonton: Why would the government, in this day and age, go backwards to a youth minimum wage, something that was […]

UCP’s youth minimum wage cut regressive, discriminatory and will increase unemployment for 18-24 year-olds – AFL
May 29, 2019

The UCP government just tabled Bill 2, an attack on workers’ rights which included cutting the minimum wage for people under the age of 18 by $2. Why would the […]

Working Albertans lose big with Kenney’s Bills 2 and 3 – AFL
May 27, 2019

Alberta moves to the back of the pack (again) when it comes to workplace rights and protections EDMONTON – The Kenney government’s Bill 2 and proposed Bill 3 are bad […]

Bargaining in bad faith: attack on public sector begins – AFL
May 14, 2019

AFL supports UNA application to reopen arbitration EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) supports the United Nurses of Alberta’s (UNA) application to the Alberta Labour Relations Board to […]

No evidence Kenney’s tax cut will create any jobs or stimulate Alberta economy – AFL
May 13, 2019

AFL does not endorse UCP tax plan for giveaways to profitable corporations EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour disagrees that Kenney’s “trickle-down” economic tax cut for profitable corporations will […]