



Statement from AFL President Gil McGowan on International Workers’ Day – AFL
May 1, 2018

Edmonton – May Day is a day to pay homage to workers worldwide who have fought for basic workers’ rights that so many now take for granted. More than a […]

Hope on this year’s Day of Mourning: The Government of Alberta made workplaces safer in 2018 – AFL
Apr 27, 2018

With new policies and joint workplace health and safety committees, Alberta workers see a safer future as they mourn for past losses As hundreds of workers gather to remember those […]

REPORT: Budget 2018 needs to address the elephant in the room – AFL
Mar 21, 2018

Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group warns government of dire consequences for ignoring revenue hole created by irresponsible Klein-era tax cuts With global oil prices staying “lower for longer,” Alberta’s 2018 […]

Alberta Women still behind on International Women’s Day – AFL
Mar 8, 2018

Alberta Federation of Labour calls on government to introduce Pay Equity, Universal Child Care, and Domestic Violence legislation to close the gap between Alberta’s men and women Edmonton – Despite […]

Workers Left Out of Bilateral Child Care Agreement – AFL
Dec 20, 2017

Governments must do more to raise the floor for ECEC sector workers Edmonton – Following the announcements of details for the bilateral agreement to expand Alberta’s Early Learning and Child […]

Worker Organization Urges Kenney to Fire Nixon Over his Role in Sexual Harassment Case – AFL
Dec 12, 2017

“Nixon is walking, talking proof of why we need tougher laws against sexual harassment.” Edmonton – Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization has joined the chorus of people calling on UCP […]