



Today we celebrate May Day – AFL
May 1, 2017

Statement from AFL President Gil McGowan on International Workers’ Day Edmonton – May Day is a day to recognize workers’ struggles all over the world. Born out of the struggle […]

Celebration sat side-by-side with mourning on this year’s Day of Mourning – AFL
Apr 28, 2017

Labour activists and leaders enthusiastically welcomed the Alberta government’s new plan to consider holding some employers criminally responsible for workplace fatalities Edmonton – Hundreds of worker delegates attending the Alberta […]

It’s Time to Unstack the Deck for working people in Alberta – AFL
Apr 27, 2017

AFL launches public campaign in support of worker rights Edmonton – This morning during his address to the bi-annual convention of the Alberta Federation of Labour, president Gil McGowan officially […]

New restrictions on Temporary Foreign Worker Program in Alberta are good news for workers – AFL
Apr 19, 2017

Joint federal-provincial program will force employers in 29 job categories to look for unemployed locals first Edmonton – This morning Alberta Labour Minister Christina Gray and federal Employment, Workforce Development […]

Day for the Elimination of Racism – AFL
Mar 21, 2017

AFL pledges to renew our commitment to fighting for equality for all workers On March 21, 1960, sixty-nine people were killed and eighty were wounded by the racist state of […]

Alberta has a revenue problem that was decades in the making – AFL
Mar 15, 2017

Budget 2017 needs to protect public services and look forward to revenue reform Edmonton – Alberta’s budget should focus on revenue reform and on protecting jobs, according to the province’s […]