



Pension report shows resilience of well-managed defined-benefit plans – AFL
Jul 13, 2016

LAPP’s 97 per cent funding level repudiates Tory fearmongering about impending financial collapse Edmonton – Alberta’s Local Authorities Pension Plan has hit 97 per cent funding just two years after […]

Liberal Government quietly breaking promises on TFWP – AFL
Jul 4, 2016

Trudeau eases guest worker hiring regulation intended to protect Canadian jobs Edmonton – While Canadians were celebrating their nation’s birthday over the weekend, the federal Liberal government quietly broke their […]

AFL calls on Prime Minister to fire Canada Post CEO over manufactured crisis – AFL
Jun 30, 2016

Completely unnecessary lockout and service interruption the result of ‘toxic combination of ideology and ego’ Edmonton – Canada Post CEO Deepak Chopra should be removed from his post for deliberately […]

Businesses should not fear $15 minimum wage – AFL
Jun 29, 2016

Wage increase would be ‘a rising tide that lifts all boats’ Edmonton — Despite a concerted campaign of fear and misinformation from certain employer groups, there is every reason to […]

$15-an-hour minimum wage would be billion dollar boost to the provincial economy – AFL
Jun 22, 2016

A higher minimum wage could boost the provincial economy according to a study from the 15 is Fair campaign. Edmonton — A higher minimum wage could boost the provincial economy […]

Minimum wage hike would boost Alberta’s economy by almost a billion dollars – AFL
Jun 21, 2016

Research shows economic benefits of plan to increase minimum wage to $15 an hour Edmonton — The 15 is Fair campaign is releasing research that shows Alberta’s economy will reap […]