



AFL applauds inclusion of Alberta’s agricultural sector in workplace laws – AFL
Nov 17, 2015

“The inclusion of agricultural workers in Alberta’s workplace laws is a victory for all workers” Edmonton – Alberta’s largest labour organization is celebrating the comprehensive inclusion of agricultural workers and […]

TPP erodes labour rights – AFL
Nov 6, 2015

Deal bad for Canadian workers, great for foreign corporate giants Edmonton – The Trans-Pacific Partnership will erode the labour rights of Canadian workers. The trade deal, whose full text was […]

Workplaces key in mental health – AFL
Oct 30, 2015

AFL urges workplace focus in government’s mental health care review Edmonton – Alberta’s workplaces have a key role in improving mental health care in the province. In a submission to […]

Mental Health – AFL
Oct 29, 2015

Mental Health Is A Workplace Issue Work and mental health are intricately linked and creating appropriate policies and programs to promote mental well-being for workers and workplaces is an indispensable […]

RDDLC Union Community Advocate Course – AFL
Oct 28, 2015

Graduates of this program will be able to go into the workplace and work with their local and assist co-workers to identify community resources. Before graduating, they will practice the […]

Notley makes best of bad situation – AFL
Oct 27, 2015

Budget will help Alberta recover from slump Edmonton – Albertans are receiving good government in trying economic times. The Alberta Federation of Labour praised the provincial budget tabled today, noting […]