



AFL congratulates new government – AFL
Oct 21, 2015

Canadians rejected Harper’s divisive anti-union anti-Canadian wedge politics Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour offers its congratulations to Canada’s Prime Minister elect Justin Trudeau. The leaders of Alberta’s largest […]

Statement from the AFL about the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Economy – AFL
Oct 14, 2015

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is pleased and proud that Siobhán Vipond, secretary treasurer and acting president, has been named to the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Economy. […]

CDLC Weekend Workshops – AFL
Oct 14, 2015

2015 CDLC WEEKEND WORKSHOPS All courses held at the CDLC Office (#321, 3132 – 26 St. NE Calgary) Register two weeks before each class: The CDLC at (403) 262-2390 or […]

Retirement, the Economy, and Wellness in 2015 – AFL
Oct 14, 2015

BENCHMARK DECISIONS LTD. CALGARY SEMINAR When: 7:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Friday, October 16, 2015 (Breakfast is provided) Where: The Ramada Plaza Calgary Airport Hotel & Conference Centre 3515 – […]

Temporary Foreign Worker Program Approvals Based on Shoddy Data – AFL
Oct 8, 2015

Outdated, Inaccurate and Biased Wage Info Allows Businesses to Drive Down Canadian Wages Edmonton – The wage data used by government officials to determine which Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) […]

Province Must Crack Down On Wage Theft – AFL
Oct 6, 2015

Business Owner Caught on Camera Threatening to Garnish Tips Edmonton – The province must be prepared to act quickly to crack down on bosses who steal their employees’ wages. After […]