What’s all the fuss about foreign workers?

Three Issues Intertwine to Create Powderkeg in Fort McMurray In recent weeks, Albertans’ TV screens and newspapers have flickered with trades workers rallying, marching and protesting against “foreign workers” in […]

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How Young is Too Young?

On June 3, 2005, Alberta earned the distinction of being only the second province in Canada to allow 12 year-olds to work in restaurants without a special permit. It did […]

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Gil McGowan Wins AFL Presidency

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour selected 37-year old Gil McGowan as its new President today. McGowan won the Presidency unopposed. His election as President marks a generational shift […]

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The Assault on Pensions in Canada: Foreclosing on the Future (2005)

The Assault on Pensions in Canada: Foreclosing on the Future (May 2005) Policy paper adopted at AFL 44th Constitutional Convention, May 12 – 15, 2005

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Smoking in the Workplace (2005)

Smoking in the Workplace (May 2005) Policy statement presented at AFL 44th Constitutional Convention, May 12 – 15, 2005

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Horizon Oil Sands Project (2005)

Horizon Oil Sands Project (May 2005) Policy paper adopted at AFL 44th Constitutional Convention, May 12 – 15, 2005

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Forging Our Future: The Alberta Federation of Labour 2005-2010 (2005)

Forging our Future: The Alberta Federation of Labour 2005-2010 (May 2005) Policy paper adopted at the 44th Constitution Convention, May 12 – 15, 2005

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2005 May Speech Don’t Cut Alberta Kids Out of National Day Care Campaign

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Campaign Launch News Conference, May 2005 (In the spring of 2005, the AFL joined Public Interest Alberta in launching a province-wide […]

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Will Employment Standards review help or hurt workers?

In yesterday’s Throne Speech, the Alberta government announced plans to review the province’s often controversial Employment Standards Code — the law that sets minimum standards for things like overtime, vacations, […]

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2005 March Speech Rally in Support of Finning Workers

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, March 2005 We’re here today because you’re company – that company right there – is turning its back on you. Some […]

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Random drug testing – Employers intoxicated by bad idea

Changing human rights legislation to allow random drug testing is shortsighted, ill-conceived and potentially dangerous, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. The AFL was responding to reports of a report, […]

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Tories should stop patting themselves on the back for increasing minimum wage

EDMONTON – In his annual address to the province last night, Alberta Premier Ralph Klein promised to help low-paid workers by increasing the minimum wage. But anything less than a […]

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2005 February Speech TWU Northern Alberta Reporting Meeting

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, February 2005 Good afternoon. My name is Kerry Barrett and I’m here to bring greetings on behalf of the Alberta Federation […]

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2005 January Speech Calgary and District Labour Council AGM

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, January 2005 Good evening and thank you for this opportunity to talk to you about the work of the AFL. As […]

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Ask your candidate where they stand on Public Interest Issues!

Public Interest Alberta, a new provincial advocacy organization, has launched a great campaign to challenge all provincial candidates to define where they stand on key public interest issues. Called “A […]

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300 Alberta industrial jobs to be lost at Celanese

Alberta Federation of Labour President Kerry Barrett was highly critical of the lack of any government industrial strategy in the wake of the announced closure of the Celanese Canada plant […]

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Labour Federation Presidents hold parallel conference in Inuvik, NT

Inuvik, NT – Federation of Labour Presidents from across Western Canada and the Territories have arrived in Inuvik, NT to make their views clear to the Premiers of the 4 […]

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Song and Dance Routine Continues

The Alberta Federation of Labour responded to the government health care plan today by noting that the real plan is being held under wraps until after the next provincial election, […]

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Drug Testing Proposal Is a Failure, Says AFL

Random drug and alcohol testing misses the root problem with substance abuse, and will fail to produce safer workplaces, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) says today. The AFL is […]

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Klein should apologize to Chilean community

[Edmonton] The Alberta Federation of Labour today called upon Ralph Klein to apologize to Alberta’s Chilean community for his comments endorsing the military coup and human rights abuses of dictator […]

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Labour movement and aboriginal community explore new possibilities

[Pigeon Lake] ‘Building Bridges and Sharing Struggles II’, the second workshop sponsored by the Alberta Federation of Labour to explore common ground and possible cooperative actions between the labour movement […]

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Alberta Losing Battle Against Workplace Death – Fatality Rate on the Rise

On the eve of the 10th International Day of Mourning, the Alberta Federation of Labour is releasing the latest statistics on workplace fatalities in Alberta, showing an increase in both […]

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AFL President Les Steel Steps Down

Les Steel is stepping down as the President of the Alberta Federation of Labour in order to take a new, Alberta-based position with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). He has […]

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Real Wages in Alberta Falling – a Wake-up Call?

The Alberta Federation of Labour has released data showing that real, inflation-adjusted wages in the province have fallen for the second year in a row, and for the fourth time […]

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