AFL calls for boycott on Shaw Conference Centre

EDMONTON – In an effort to show support for striking workers at the Shaw Conference Centre, the Alberta Federation of Labour is urging unions and union members to boycott the […]

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Government plans to download responsibility for health care could cost Alberta businesses $500 million a year, says AFL

CALGARY – The Alberta government’s plan to limit Medicare coverage will end up costing businesses in the province $500 million or more each year, says a presentation prepared by the […]

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“Would You Call Two Deaths a Week An Epidemic?”

Marking the 7th International Day of Mourning, the Alberta Federation of Labour is asking why workplace deaths are given much lower priority than other causes of death. The AFL suggests […]

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Day of Mourning Ceremony to Honour All Workers Killed at Work

Day of Mourning CeremonySunday April 282:00 pm to 3:00 pmEdmonton City Hall (City Room) The Alberta Federation of Labour and the Edmonton and District Labour Council are co-sponsoring a ceremony […]

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Labour activists plan to leaflet Tory convention

EDMONTON – Delegates to the Conservative convention will be greeted on Saturday morning with leaflets reminding them how the Klein government has betrayed the party’s own policies on issues such […]

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Budget is a “triple whammy” for working people in Alberta, says AFL

EDMONTON – The budget unveiled by the Klein government late this afternoon is a “triple whammy” for working people in Alberta, says the president of Alberta’s largest union organization. As […]

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Tories Stab Teachers in the Back, Says AFL

The Education Services Settlement Act, introduced today in the Legislature, is an affront to the principles of fair collective bargaining, says the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL). The Premier has […]

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2002 IWD Events

Kerry Barrett, Secretary Treasurer, AFL Numerous events were held across the province to celebrate International Women’s Day. In Edmonton on Friday March 8 there was a shared supper at the […]

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Court ruling highlights important role strikes can play in resolving disputes

EDMONTON – The decision by the Alberta Court of Appeal to over-turn a government back-to-work order involving thousands of striking teachers is a victory for teachers on several levels, says […]

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New Legislature session will feature renewed attacks on basic workers rights

EDMONTON – Despite government reassurances and claims to the contrary, the new session of the Legislature is shaping up as an historic showdown on issues such as public health care […]

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Back-to-work order will not solve the problems plaguing our schools

EDMONTON – The government can use its legal clout to force teachers back to work, but they can’t make teachers and parents forget their concerns about over-crowded classrooms and chronic […]

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AFL welcomes nurses into the House of Labour

EDMONTON – The Alberta labour movement became stronger and more cohesive yesterday, thanks to a decision by the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) to join the Alberta Federation of Labour. […]

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Unions will have no choice but to bargain for health benefits if Maz report is implemented, says AFL

EDMONTON – If the Alberta government proceeds with changes to Medicare proposed today by the Mazankowski commission, businesses in the province will be saddled with new costs and the so-called […]

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Alberta must revise labour law to grant agricultural workers the right to join unions

EDMONTON – In light of yesterday’s ground-breaking Supreme Court ruling on the rights of farm workers, the Alberta government should move quickly to revise its labour laws to give agricultural […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour Year End Statement, December 2001

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is predicting a year of increased labour unrest as low unemployment and healthy economic growth create conditions that will produce substantial wage increase […]

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Union members encouraged to show active support for teachers in the event of a strike

EDMONTON – Unionized workers from around the province are being encouraged to actively support the Alberta Teachers Association and its members in the likely event of a teachers strike. In […]

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Human Rights Need Special Attention in Post-September 11 World

This year’s International Human Rights Day has particular significance due to the effects of the September 11 terrorist attacks, says Alberta Federation of Labour President Les Steel. Steel is marking […]

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WCB premium increase means employers will finally pay the real cost of workplace injuries

Employers in Alberta will soon be required to pay WCB premiums that more accurately reflect the real cost of workplace injuries – and that’s a good thing, says the Alberta […]

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Government over-reacts to revenue decline

EDMONTON – The provincial government’s decision to cut infrastructure spending and impose a public-sector hiring freeze is hard to justify in light of the rosy financial figures released today, says […]

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Prepare for Autumn of Unrest, Says AFL President

In his annual Labour Day message AFL President Les Steel predicts a fall of labour unrest, as workers take action for fairness at their workplaces. “As Albertans sit on our […]

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Review of Longstanding Claims A “Victory” for Injured Workers

The Alberta Federation of Labour responded to the government’s planned changes to WCB by stating that it had positive and negative impacts on workers. The AFL singled out the promise […]

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AFL calls on Federal government to mark June 21st — Aboriginal Peoples Solidarity Day, as a recognized statutory holiday

EDMONTON – “It’s time the Federal government formally take responsibility for the historical injustices faced by Canada’s aboriginal peoples. I see no better time than today to do that, by […]

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AFL cautions government about the pitfalls of denying paramedics the right to strike

CORRECTION NOTE: The original version of this news release was sent out this morning with the wrong contact number for AFL President Les Steel. The proper number is 780-475-4668 EDMONTON […]

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Government Creates False “Emergency” to Strip Ambulance Workers of Rights

The AFL reacted to the government announcement of a Public Emergency Tribunal in the Edmonton paramedic dispute by denouncing it as an act of a “two bit dictator”. The move […]

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