AFL questions Janice MacKinnon’s independence from UCP government – AFL

Government provided close communication support to chair of panel that calls for deep cuts EDMONTON – Internal government correspondence, obtained via Freedom of Information requests, shows that the Kenney government […]

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AFL demands independent investigation into the deaths of three CP Rail Calgary workers – AFL

Statement from the Alberta Federation of Labour For Immediate Release Jan. 28, 2020 EDMONTON – Back in February, 2019 the brakes of a 99-car grain train failed and the train […]

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Kenney’s “red tape reduction” is really a war on rules that protect citizens – AFL

In most cases, what Kenney and the UCP government call red tape are often important regulatory rules designed to protect consumers, workers, and the environment. Kenney’s “red tape reduction” is […]

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While Canada reports a decent jobs rebound, Alberta’s unemployment rises – AFL

‘Where are the jobs, Jason?’ says Gil McGowan, AFL president Edmonton – Today’s Labour Force Survey release is good news for Canada but bad news for Alberta and Jason Kenney’s […]

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The UCP weaken safety rules that protect working Albertans – AFL

Statement from Gil McGowan, President, Alberta Federation of Labour EDMONTON – Under the guise of “red tape reduction,” the UCP has begun their attack on the safety rules that protect […]

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Leader of Alberta’s labour movement urges federal government to say ‘no’ to Jason Kenney’s plea for cash – AFL

McGowan will deliver his message at a meeting of union leaders and activists in Winnipeg today WINNIPEG – In a speech to labour leaders and activists in Winnipeg today, the […]

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UCP government creating policies that will contribute to gender inequality – AFL

On this day, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, the AFL demands action on gender inequality in Alberta Edmonton – On this day, the National […]

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UCP is using a report that government experts characterized as “poor quality” and “highly inaccurate” to justify deep cuts to health care – AFL

Documents obtained through Freedom of Information paint a picture of the UCP’s willingness to use shoddy data to support pre-ordained conclusions EDMONTON – One of the reports that the Kenney […]

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Black Friday takes on a new meaning as Jason Kenney’s budget cuts lead to the loss of at least 750 nursing jobs

Statement from Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour EDMONTON – “Do you remember when Jason Kenney promised jobs and economic growth? Do you remember when he said […]

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AFL says UCP will soon add a “worker gag law” to its growing list of anti-democratic actions – AFL

Legislation will be designed to silence workers and undermine union advocacy campaigns EDMONTON – First the UCP demonized environmentalists with the war room and the House Un-Albertan activities inquiry. Then […]

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Government rolls back rights of agriculture workers in Alberta even further than they were before Bill 6

Statement from AFL president Gil McGowan on new UCP farm workers bill EDMONTON – Bill 26 is a giant step backwards for farm, ranch and agriculture workers in Alberta. They […]

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Union leaders tell UCP: ‘The money saved by Albertans for retirement belongs to them, not to you!’ – AFL

Joint statement from the leaders of Alberta’s largest labour organizations EDMONTON – For the past two days, Albertans have been justifiably preoccupied with the implications that Bill 22 has for […]

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Alberta’s premier is doing what even Trump wouldn’t do – he wants to fire the man investigating him – AFL

But that’s not all. Kenney is also attacking the independence of Alberta’s biggest pension plans EDMONTON – Today’s headlines in Alberta will, quite rightly, be about Jason Kenney’s outrageous decision […]

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Unions warn that Kenney government is about to weaken workplace safety protections as part of so-called “Red Tape Review” – AFL

Health and safety protections are NOT ‘red tape,’ says AFL president EDMONTON – The Kenney government is considering dropping or weakening many workplace health and safety (OHS) protections because it […]

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UCP signals intent to roll back protections for Alberta workers – AFL

Albertans will, once again, be denied the workplace protections that other Canadians take for granted, say AFL EDMONTON – Statement on behalf of Gil McGowan, president of the Alberta Federation […]

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New campaign asks Albertans to “Join the Resistance” against #KenneysCuts and the #KenneyRecession – AFL

Kenney’s cuts will trigger a recession and crash the Alberta economy, warn unions For Immediate Release Nov. 5, 2019 CALGARY – Some of Alberta’s largest unions have launched a campaign […]

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New report confirms Kenney’s budget will tip Alberta into recession and kill more jobs than the oil price collapse of 2014-16 – AFL

EDMONTON OCTOBER 29, 2019 – A new report has confirmed earlier warnings that the UCP’s first budget will kill as many as 114,000 jobs, split between the public and private […]

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The UCP is using lies to justify an attack on the standard of living of Albertans working in the public sector – AFL

Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan: Jason Kenney and the UCP have broken faith with the thousands and thousands of public-sector Albertans who helped elect them. During […]

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Budget cuts much deeper and more damaging than Kenney admits – AFL

‘Jason Kenney is playing games with numbers,’ says Gil McGowan, AFL president EDMONTON OCTOBER 24, 2019 – Today’s budget cuts will be much deeper than Kenney admits. The reality is […]

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New report says Kenney’s planned public service cuts will devastate Alberta’s economy

EDMONTON – Implementation by the Kenney government of the MacKinnon report’s recommendations could drive Alberta’s economy into recession and result in the loss of up to 113,500 jobs in both […]

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The “Kenney Recession” – AFL

Proposed UCP cuts would hurt economy worse than oil price crash Jason Kenney was elected in Alberta on the promise of economic prosperity and job growth but he plans to […]

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Anti-union policy is at the heart of the Conservative party – AFL

This election, vote against the Conservatives and American-style right-to-work laws In their policy declaration, the Conservative Party of Canada supports American-style right-to-work laws that drive down wages by starving unions […]

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Unions release top 10 list of “lies and distortions” being used by UCP to justify cuts – AFL

McGowan urges citizens and reporters to use the list as protection against the “avalanche of bulls#%t that the UCP is about to dump on our province” EDMONTON – The Kenney […]

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Top 10 Lies and Distortions the UCP is using to justify cuts – AFL

The Kenney government is about to make devastating cuts to education, health care and other vital public services that Albertans rely upon… based on distortions and outright lies about things like public-sector spending and public-sector wages.

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