Working Albertans lose big with Kenney’s Bills 2 and 3 – AFL

Alberta moves to the back of the pack (again) when it comes to workplace rights and protections EDMONTON – The Kenney government’s Bill 2 and proposed Bill 3 are bad […]

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Bargaining in bad faith: attack on public sector begins – AFL

AFL supports UNA application to reopen arbitration EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) supports the United Nurses of Alberta’s (UNA) application to the Alberta Labour Relations Board to […]

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No evidence Kenney’s tax cut will create any jobs or stimulate Alberta economy – AFL

AFL does not endorse UCP tax plan for giveaways to profitable corporations EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour disagrees that Kenney’s “trickle-down” economic tax cut for profitable corporations will […]

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Gil McGowan and Siobhan Vipond re-elected to the Alberta Federation of Labour – AFL

At the conclusion of the successful 51st Constitutional Convention of the Alberta Federation of Labour both AFL Officers were re-elected. Gil McGowan will continue to serve in his role as […]

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What is life really like for Ontarians under Doug Ford? – AFL

AFL asks Ontario workers: what advice would you give Alberta voters this election? Edmonton- Jason Kenney famously said that he and Ontario Premier Doug Ford are so much alike that […]

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UCP plan will lead to 60,000 lost jobs over four years – AFL

AFL Releases Report on Employment impact of UCP and NDP fiscal platforms Edmonton– The Alberta Federation of Labour commissioned economist Hugh Mackenzie to provide an analysis of UCP and NDP […]

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One fifth of Albertans work overtime each week; these are the people who will be hurt by Kenney’s OT plan

Over one quarter of workers in the construction and oil and gas sector, would lose hundreds of dollars in wages each week Edmonton– Changes to overtime rules proposed by the […]

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Ontario just passed a law undermining overtime rights: If Kenney wins the election, Alberta will follow suit – AFL

It’s a coordinated effort among Conservatives to suppress wages and workplace rights, says AFL Jason Kenney has been trying to reassure working Albertans that his party’s plan to change the […]

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Expanding $25-a-day child care good for Alberta workers, economy – AFL

Notley announcement of $1.5 billion child care investment to boost economy $9 billion Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour applauds the NDP government announcement to subsidize all child care […]

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The real Jason Kenney has stepped forward: And working Albertans should be worried – AFL

Kenney has a plan to suppress your wages and weaken your rights at work CALGARY – Jason Kenney’s proposed “Open for Business Act” should really be called the “I’m Delivering […]

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Statement from AFL in response to New Zealand Terrorist Attack

From Gil McGowan and Siobhan Vipond, President and Secretary Treasurer of the Alberta Federation of Labour The AFL strongly condemns the murder of 49 Muslim worshippers at the Masjid Al […]

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If the goal is to save the Alberta economy, we need to look forward not back – AFL

Alberta unions release pre-election blueprint for jobs and prosperity in a changing world EDMONTON – If Alberta voters want to use the next election to help turn the provincial economy […]

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Media Advisory: Alberta labour’s 12-point plan for our future – AFL

EDMONTON, (Mar. 11, 2019) – On Wednesday, Mar. 13, 2019, the Alberta Federation of Labour will unveil the Alberta labour movement’s 12-point plan for the future of Alberta at a […]

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Alberta women have made impressive progress on many fronts over the past four years – AFL

But will those gains be lost after the election, asks the AFL EDMONTON – Women have made great strides in Alberta over the past four years – in both the […]

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UCP corporate income tax cuts: a case of magical thinking – AFL

Analysis shows UCP plan will not create jobs, or increase GDP or revenue By Hugh Mackenzie Based on as much magical thinking as has been seen this side of Hogwarts, […]

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Three global economic facts Alberta workers need to know – AFL

Last week, Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, presented to the Health Sciences Association of Alberta and the United Nurses of Alberta about the global energy transformation […]

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Kenney’s proposed corporate tax cuts are “snake oil” that will make our economy sicker, not healthier – AFL

AFL releases links to 75 articles illustrating the folly of “trickle down” policies, including Trump’s failed tax plan EDMONTON – The record from around the world shows that Jason Kenney’s […]

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Time to Get Ready: Political Action Training Forums – AFL

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! If you are a Union registering your members please use this form. If you are registering yourself, please use this form. The Alberta Federation of Labour is […]

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NDP policies allow Alberta to halve child poverty rates even during a recession – AFL

Poverty rate for persons under 18 has been cut in half since 2015 Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour applauds the current NDP government for cutting the poverty rate […]

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Premier Notley’s methanol plant agreement great news for workers and Alberta’s economy – AFL

$2-billion private sector investment will create jobs and add value to Alberta’s energy resources Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour applauds Premier Rachel Notley’s Made-in-Alberta energy strategy and the […]

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Alberta’s health care administration costs lowest in Canada – AFL

Data reveals Alberta’s health care expense is below all Canadian provinces, national average Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour would like to set the record straight with a cost […]

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Big Surprise! Restaurants Canada is back again with another campaign opposing Alberta’s minimum wage and workplace reforms – AFL

‘Restaurant Realities’ campaign is predictable given that the reality is that Restaurants Canada NEVER believes it is time to support changes that benefit workers in the industry Edmonton – Predictably, […]

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Government decision banning mandatory high heels in the workplace is great news for workers – AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour is partnering with hospitality workers on “Fairness for Alberta’s Restaurant Workers campaign” Edmonton- Alberta Federation of Labour applauds government action to ensure worker safety. The […]

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Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group calls on public institutions across the province to study impacts of potential budget cuts – AFL

Albertans deserve to know what budget cuts likely under a UCP government would mean for services Alberta – Leaders of unions from across Alberta met in Edmonton today at the […]

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