2014 Report Upgrading Our Future: The Economics of In-Province Upgrading

Upgrading Our Future: The Economics of In-Province Upgrading The report, entitled “Upgrading Our Future: The Economics of In-Province Upgrading,” was released on Monday, Oct. 6, at an event featuring Alberta […]

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Prentice plan to re-open TFW floodgates would be bad news for working Albertans

Documents released by AFL show TFWs are being used to suppress wages in oil sands-related construction; some businesses fill more than half their jobs with TFWs Edmonton – Internal government […]

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2014 Backgrounder: Construction Trades ATIP Requests

2014 Backgrounder: Construction Trades ATIP Requests Backgrounder Issued with AFL News Release: Sep 26 Prentice plan to re-open TFW floodgates would be bad news for working Albertans

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2014 Backgrounder: ATIP Documents on Employers with TFW-Dominated Workforces

2014 Backgrounder: ATIP Documents on Employers with TFW-Dominated Workforces Backgrounder Issued with AFL News Release: Sep 26 Prentice plan to re-open TFW floodgates would be bad news for working Albertans

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MEDIA ADVISORY: Evidence shows Prentice Plan For TFWs potentially catastrophic for workers

Alberta Federation of Labour unearths documents showing scope and effects of Temporary Foreign Worker program EDMONTON – Internal government documents paint a clear picture of the terrible consequences for working […]

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TFW Pilot Project Oversight ‘fell between the cracks’

Work permits that allowed unqualified workers to create unsafe conditions must be revoked Edmonton – According to the architects of the disastrous TFW Pilot Project, the buck stops nowhere. Follow-up […]

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2014 Backgrounder: Alberta Pilot for Occupation-Specific Work Permits

2014 Backgrounder: Alberta Pilot for Occupation-Specific Work Permits News Release: Sep 4 TFW Pilot Project Oversight ‘fell between the cracks’

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Lives Are At Stake If Government Doesn’t Fix Foreign Worker Fiasco

AFL calls on federal AG to investigate safety concerns surrounding fast-track program for TFWs in oil sands construction EDMONTON – Worker safety is being put at risk by lack of […]

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Labour Day Message: Working Albertans need unions (perhaps now more than ever)

Labour Day is a holiday to celebrate the accomplishments of working people and unions. The first part of that equation is a relatively easy sell. Even here in politically conservative […]

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2014 AFL Labour Day Message: Working Albertans need unions (perhaps now more than ever)

Labour Day is a holiday to celebrate the accomplishments of working people and unions. The first part of that equation is a relatively easy sell. Even here in politically conservative […]

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Tenth annual Farm Workers Day marks track record of government indifference

Despite promises of reform, province’s agricultural workers are excluded from employment standards Calgary – As agricultural workers mark the province’s tenth annual Farm Workers Day, Alberta remains the only place […]

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AB companies given green light to underpay thousands of TFWs 2014

Evidence shows Harper government continues to allow TFW program to undermine Canadian wages Edmonton – The wages of Canadians are continuing to be undermined by the Temporary Foreign Worker Program […]

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2014 Overview of locations and jobs where TFWs were paid less than Canadians

Overview of locations and jobs where TFWs were paid less than Canadians Supporting document to News Release Aug 15: Alberta companies given green light to underpay thousands of TFWs

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2014 LMOs issued for less than prevailing wage rates

Internal FOIP Documents: 2014 LMOs issued for less than prevailing wage rates Supporting document to News Release Aug 15: Alberta companies given green light to underpay thousands of TFWs

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Message from Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan in Regards to CRTC Fines

The AFL sent an interactive telephone broadcast message to hundreds of thousands of Albertans in the final week of the last election campaign in order to poll opinion on the […]

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Death of 15-year old Worker in Drumheller Tragic Reminder of Alberta’s Unsafe Work Laws

Alberta remains one of the most dangerous places in Canada to work, especially for young workers: AFL Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is responding to Saturday’s death of […]

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2014 Fact Check: P3 Model Bad for Alberta Taxpayers

For Immediate ReleaseFriday, July 18, 2014 P3 Model Bad for Alberta Taxpayers Lukaszuk’s Appointed P3 Board Idea a ‘Recipe for Corruption’ Edmonton – PC leadership candidate Thomas Lukaszuk’s proposal to […]

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2014 Fact Check: Candidates for Premier Look to Open TFW Floodgates

For Immediate ReleaseTuesday, July 15, 2014 Candidates for Premier Look to Open TFW Floodgates PC Leadership contenders all buy into bogus labour shortage claims Edmonton – Ric McIver is using […]

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2014 Fact Check: Wages Stagnate For Alberta’s Least-Paid Workers

PC Leadership candidate misinformed about how much employers pay Edmonton – Tory Leadership Hopeful Thomas Lukaszuk is incorrect in his assertion that employers are offering higher wages to attract workers. […]

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