Rallies Target Republican Lawmakers

Now that the state budget has received a stamp of approval from the Joint Finance Committee, the war of words is heating up once again. This time in the form […]

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Strange Sound from Millionaires: ‘Tax Me’

It’s the 10th anniversary of the Bush tax cut for millionaires, and some millionaires say enough is enough. They’ve bought enough boats, added enough wings to their mansions and put […]

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Walkerville Survives the Storm, Can Wisconsin Survive Walker’s Budget?

Day six of the Walkerville tent city protest has seen overwhelming support from Wisconsin workers, students and community members. Over the course of the week, thousands of Wisconsinites have gathered […]

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Albertans share union’s vision of a better public postal service, says AFL: CUPW is fighting for improved service and for safety and fairness in the workplace

As postal workers walked picket lines in the Edmonton and Calgary areas today (Wednesday), Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) president Gil McGowan said Albertans should support the fight for a […]

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ILO Takes Big Step Toward Domestic Workers Rule

Devon Whitman of the AFL-CIO Field Department reports on a huge victory for domestic workers at the International Labor Organization (ILO) meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. Last night, following a week […]

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Renewed strikes met with police aggression

Egyptian workers take to the streets, defying the controversial anti-strike law, as they call for better working conditions but the police use force to cut out their voice Late afternoon […]

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CUPW Calgary and Edmonton 24-hour strike June 7, 2011

Issue: CUPW members in Calgary and Edmonton area hit picket lines last night (Tuesday, June 7th) for a 24-hour strike Actions Requested: Join the picket line until 9 p.m. in […]

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Learning Disabilities Association shutting down

Close to 800 clients with learning disabilities will need to find new support after the local chapter of the Learning Disabilities Association closes on June 17. This is the second […]

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The State of Labor in Iran’s Oil and Petrochemical Industry

Translator’s note: On May 24, a massive explosion and fire at a newly inaugurated oil refinery in Abadan led to the deaths and injuries of an unknown number of workers. […]

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Higher minimum wage won’t end poverty

In one fell swoop, the Alberta government has managed to ensure the perpetuity of both future minimum wage increases and the controversy over the minimum wage itself. After freezing the […]

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1,000 March Against Walker’s Budget

More than 1,000 Wisconsin firefighters, nurses, farmers and community members marched through Madison today to the Capitol Square to protest Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) extreme and anti-middle class budget. The […]

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Walker Removes Painting of Homeless/Low-Income Children from Gov.’s Mansion

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) apparently doesn’t want to be reminded of the people who will feel the sting of his budget cuts. It was revealed last week that Walker, […]

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Bahrain puts medical staff on trial for treating injured protesters: Security court deals with 47 doctors and nurses accused of participating in efforts to remove monarchy

Doctors and nurses who treated injured anti-government protesters during the unrest in Bahrain went on trial in a security court on Monday accused of participating in efforts to overthrow the […]

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Protesters Pitch Tents In Madison To Oppose Budget: Protesters Call Tent City ‘Walkerville’

MADISON, Wis. — Those against Gov. Scott Walker’s budget proposal are settling in for the long haul, pitching tents at the Capitol Square. The lines have been drawn and the […]

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Minister strengthens workplace safety rules

Provincial safety accreditation is now on the line for employers not in the business of providing safe workplaces for their employees. Starting July 1 — Canada Day — Alberta employers […]

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Alberta vows to end abuse of WCB rebates: Lukaszuk sets out new guidelines

A voluntary safety accreditation program that entitles employers to earn WCB premium rebates and bid on lucrative government contracts is being abused, admits Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk. Lukaszuk announced Thursday […]

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June 2011: Join Together Alberta campaign; minimum wage; AB govt code of silence; workers at risk in AB

Join Together Alberta launches campaign to save education, health and social services Alberta is one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the world, and yet up to 1,200 teachers and hundreds […]

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Workplace safety move welcomed, but far more must be done, says AFL: Government must make Certificates of Recognition program transparent or it will fail

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) welcomed today’s move by the provincial government to improve workplace health and safety, but says changes to the Certificate of Recognition (COR) do not […]

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Stricter safety guidelines coming for Alberta employers

Jobsite fatalities, serious injuries or multiple stop work orders will force an immediate review of employers safety accreditation staring July 1, according to new rules introduced by the province Thursday. […]

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Safety reviews to follow serious workplace incidents: Minister

Alberta Workplace safety violators will soon be hit with harsher penalties. Employment and Immigration minister Thomas Lukaszuk announced Tuesday that workplace deaths, serious injuries and multiple stop-work orders are now […]

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HSAA celebrates its 40th Annual General Meeting

HSAA President Elizabeth Ballermann to address delegates on key health challenges and other major issues. Edmonton (2 June 2011) – Delegates gather today in Edmonton, Alberta to kick off one […]

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Workplace safety regulations tightened

Stricter workplace safety regulations could see Alberta employers who experience on-site fatalities or serious injuries lose their government accreditation. Minister of Employment and Immigration Thomas Lukaszuk announced Thursday the implementation […]

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Alberta to increase minimum wage to $9.40 on Sept. 1, booze servers to get less

EDMONTON – Alberta is raising its minimum wage, but too late for students working summer jobs who will be returning to school this fall. The general minimum wage will rise […]

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Minimum-wage raise welcomed, but program seriously flawed, says AFL: Further delay in implementing raises is ‘mean spirited,’ says Gil McGowan

Today’s announcement that minimum-wage levels in the province are going up has been welcomed by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), but the labour organization has serious concerns over details […]

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