All Education Workers Need a Seat at the Table – AFL

Below is a joint statement from the Alberta Teachers’ Association, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Unifor and the Alberta Federation of Labour. EDMONTON – Students are now returning to school. […]

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Few silver linings for Alberta workers in Friday’s Labour Force Survey. Governments need to intervene to support workers. – AFL

Statistics Canada released its regular Labour Force Survey on Friday, which catalogues the labour market conditions like employment and unemployment for the month of August. While the COVID-19 pandemic hammered […]

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Alberta’s fiscal update reveals the gaping hole in Alberta’s revenue stream and means trouble for Albertans – AFL

Recently, the UCP government unveiled the 2020-21 First Quarter Fiscal Update and Economic Situation.The Kenney government has posted the largest deficit in Alberta’s history. In Finance Minister Travis Toews’s speech […]

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You have the right to refuse work you think might endanger your health and safety – AFL

An important health and safety message for education workers returning to work during COVID-19 As schools reopen this week, the Alberta Federation of Labour would like to remind all teachers, […]

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Farm Workers Day: We Must Recommit to the Fight for Farm Worker Rights – AFL

Siobhan Vipond, Secretary Treasurer of the Alberta Federation of Labour released the following statement for Alberta Farm Workers Day 2020 EDMONTON – Each year, August 20 marks Alberta Farm Workers […]

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How can we avoid a “Cargill” in our classrooms?

We need to look at school reopening through the lens of established workplace health and safety principles! In less than four weeks, 750,000 students and 90,000 education workers will go […]

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The UCP is Misrepresenting Health Care Data to Justify Ideological Cuts – AFL

The UCP government recently announced that data from the Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI) supports their decision to pick a fight with Alberta’s physicians, which they have continued even […]

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Public Education During a Crisis: A Safe School Reopening

Part 7: A Safe School Reopening Back on March 15, 2020, Minister of Education Adriana LaGrange spoke at the daily COVID-19 update to announce that K-12 schools would be closed […]

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The UCP is Coming After the Health and Safety Rights of Albertans with Rushed Summer Consultations – AFL

The government is quietly engaged in expedited reviews to undermine both the occupational health and safety, and workers’ compensation systems EDMONTON – This summer, in the midst of an ongoing […]

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The UCP’s Lack of Leadership on Child Care is Leaving Alberta Families in the Lurch – AFL

The government’s new focus on parental subsidies will keep many women out of the workforce and hamper our economic recovery EDMONTON – With September just around the corner many working […]

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Alberta Fire Fighters disappointed with AHS announcement to consolidate EMS dispatch For Immediate Release August 4, 2020 Today’s announcement by Alberta Health Services stating that they will be consolidating Emergency […]

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The Quiet OHS & WCB Review: Why Albertans Should be Concerned – AFL

This summer, in the midst of a pandemic, the UCP government is quietly coming after your workplace health and safety rights and protections. This after they have just rammed through […]

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Bill 32: Fixed that for you fact sheets – AFL

Passed this week, Bill 32 the Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces Act, is the UCP government’s undemocratic, anti-worker law that will enact sweeping regressive changes on Alberta workers and workplaces. […]

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Jason Kenney may think he has vanquished unions, but he is about to “reap the whirlwind,” says AFL – AFL

Kenney’s arrogance and his radicalism is uniting Albertans in opposition to his dangerous agenda These are the remarks made by Alberta Federation of Labour president, Gil McGowan, in response to […]

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Jason Kenney’s anti-worker, anti-union Bill 32 will be challenged in the courts – AFL

Alberta unions will fight UCP efforts to turn Alberta into “Alabama North” EDMONTON – Unless major amendments are made to Bill 32 during this week’s session of the Alberta Legislature, […]

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The end of overtime, sweeping cuts to the minimum wage and authoritarian intimidation of workers – AFL

The AFL releases list of the “top six” most dangerous sections of Bill 32 The Alberta Federation of Labour has released a “Top Six” list of the most dangerous sections […]

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No “Balance” Here: Bill 32 tips the scales against working Albertans – AFL

Kenney’s UCP government is claiming that their Bill 32, the so-called Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces Act, is standing up for individual workers, but when you look at what the […]

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The UCP has a BIG double standard when it comes to third-party political action spending – AFL

The real story on Bill 32 is NOT that unions spend money on politics; it’s that the UCP’s corporate supporters spend far more, and often don’t even bother to follow […]

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AFL responds to UCP lies on union advocacy campaigning – AFL

AFL shows that while Kenney was fabricating his camping trip, he was also distorting the truth about union political spending EDMONTON – So, it turns out that Jason Kenney lied […]

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Bill 30: The Road to US-Style Healthcare in Alberta – AFL

The UCP introduced Bill 30, the Health Statutes Amendment Act in the legislature on July 6, 2020. This bill is a major step to opening up Alberta’s healthcare system to […]

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The UCP bungled key COVID-19 policies at long-term care facilities and the Auditor General needs to investigate, says AFL – AFL

Lessons must be learned so we’re better prepared if we’re hit by a second wave EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour today asked the Auditor General of Alberta to […]

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Someone is trying to Trumpify Alberta – AFL

Want to know how? Watch the video or keep reading. Everyone knows that billionaires and big corporations want different things than workers do. Corporations want tax breaks and fewer rules […]

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Internal government documents suggest the UCP knows its anti-union Bill 32 is unconstitutional – AFL

“If the UCP has nothing to hide, release your legal opinions” says AFL EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has released internal government documents obtained through the Freedom […]

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McGowan apologizes for using the Nazis as a point of reference in his criticism of the UCP – AFL

But he will continue calling out “the UCP’s authoritarian-inspired tactics” The president of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Gil McGowan, issued the following statement today. I, Gil McGowan, president of […]

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