Action on violence against women must include the workplace – AFL: Toolkit for workers and employers provides extensive support for better violence education

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour marked December 6th with a call for employers, supervisors, workers, professional associations and unions to take joint action on domestic violence and its […]

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Rising from deep unpopularity

There are few topics more entertaining to watch politicians squirm over than the distribution of seats in a legislature. Inequities that work against their perceived interests are a “shocking” departure […]

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Two men electrocuted in Edmonton: Grain auger contacted overhead power line

EDMONTON – Two men are dead after farm machinery they were transporting came in contact with an overhead power line Thursday evening. Occupational Health and Safety sent investigators out to […]

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Death of farm workers shows absurdity of Alberta safety laws:Agricultural workers deserve the same protection as others, says AFL

Edmonton – The death of two Edmonton area farm workers is proof that Alberta’s workplace safety laws need to be extended to include agricultural workers, says the Alberta Federation of […]

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Farming accident renews calls for updated workplace safety laws

Two men are dead after an accident on a farm in southeast Edmonton. Emergency crews responded to the scene at 3:30 am on Friday in the area of Ellerslie Road […]

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AFL calls for change after farm deaths

The provincial government is facing criticism from the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), in the wake of a double-fatal accident in south east Edmonton. Two men, aged 62 and 54, […]

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Time to boost CPP

There was a time when many Canadians resented being forced to participate in the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), believing they could do better on their own. Two stock market crashes […]

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Experts gather to discuss how to solve Canada’s pension crisis: Edmonton summit to focus on finding real solutions

Edmonton – A crisis in retirement income is looming in Canada and Albertans will be among those hurt the most – unless there’s real reform of the nation’s pension system. […]

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New farm safety council to review worker protection: Labour body says Alberta waited too long

The Alberta government announced on Tuesday the creation of a new farm safety advisory council, but the move was immediately panned by those who believe the government has already waited […]

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Join the fight to save Edmonton jobs threatened by Canada Post privatization

The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) is fighting to save Canada Post jobs from being outsourced – and you can join that battle. The Crown Corporation announced earlier this […]

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Government’s ‘completely inadequate’ plan on farm safety will leave workers at risk: Conservatives have clearly caved in to pressure from industry, says AFL

Edmonton – The Alberta government announcement that it is forming an advisory council on farm safety is a stab in the back for all farm workers, says the Alberta Federation […]

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AFL raises red flag about more cuts to health, education and other necessary services

Morton’s fiscal update shows government gearing up for severe cuts despite what Albertans want Edmonton – Today’s fiscal update shows the government of Alberta is laying the groundwork for a […]

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Union calls for expansion of CPP

One of the largest labour unions in Canada has sounded the alarm about one of the most talked-about issues of the day – the Canada Pension Plan. The Alberta Federation […]

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Workshop calls temporary foreign worker program a ‘disaster’

A human rights expert is the keynote speaker at a workshop today, holding up Alberta’s temporary foreign worker program as a failure. Karl Flecker, director of anti-racism and human rights […]

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Alberta labour group launches campaign for CPP reform

A campaign for “real” pension reform has been launched in Alberta by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and the Canadian Labour Congress, hoping to persuade the provincial government to […]

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Alberta needs pension reform: AFL Report says more than half of senior families have no pension

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour says the provincial government needs to get on board with Canadian Pension Plan reform or get out of the way. In a report […]

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AFL wants CPP expansion

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is calling the Alberta government out on its stance against an enhanced Canada Pension Plan (CPP). In a report released on November 16 by […]

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2010 Nov Speaking Notes – Launch of REAL Pension Reform Campaign

Launch of AFL Real Pension Reform Campaign November 16, 2010 Matrix Hotel, Edmonton, Alberta Good morning and welcome. We’ve invited you here today because a crisis is looming: a crisis […]

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Hey Ted, Albertans want REAL pension reform: Labour groups urge Alberta Tories to stop standing in the way of CPP expansion

Edmonton – A campaign for REAL pension reform was launched in Alberta today to persuade the provincial government to change its mind and join the growing consensus around expanding the […]

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It IS Broke – So Fix it!

It IS Broke … so fix it! Why real pension reform is needed to address Alberta’s looming crisis in retirement income A report by economist Hugh MacKenzie that shows Albertans […]

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AFL & CLC launch campaign aimed at bolstering the CPP

Labour groups hope to pressure Alberta to accept federal proposals to improve pensions. In June, Alberta Finance Minister Ted Morton said the province will not support a proposed expansion of […]

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November 2010: Better health and safety rules; pension reform; Parkland fall conference; Lakoff lecture highlights; stop Calgary Public Library cuts

AFL demands better health and safety rules The AFL has released a 10-point plan on workplace health and safety (click here for the plan), calling for immediate action from the […]

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Workplace safety needs work, says AFL: Labour union releases 10-point plan to improve safety

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) released a 10-point plan yesterday on how they would like to see workplace safety improved in the province just as the Alberta government unveiled […]

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Alberta workplace safety laws need to be improved

According to the Alberta Federation of Labour Friday, unless the province improves workplace safety law, economic recovery will only bring an increase in workplace injuries and fatalities. Announcing four new […]

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