Province gives more money to help foreign workers

The provincial government is giving $850,000 to agencies that provide services for temporary foreign workers as they adjust to life in Alberta. Dennis Salvador arrived in Canada two years ago. […]

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Support striking workers at Canada Malting

Members of UFCW 1118 who work at Canada Malting in Calgary began strike action on August 24, after voting by 80% to reject the company’s final offer. A total of […]

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McKesson Canada strike is over!

After 66 days on the picket line, members of UFCW 401 at McKesson Canada are going back to work. On Sept. 1, they voted 83 per cent in favour of […]

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Workplace safety website falls short of pledge; Full safety records to remain clouded in secrecy

EDMONTON – While the government has taken nearly a decade to finalize its website with workplace injury and fatality records, workers will have to wait even longer to get the […]

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Alberta workplace safety records soon to go online

Alberta workplace safety records will be made public as early as September, vows the province’s employment minister. Thomas Lukaszuk said the public database will contain the records of most employers […]

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Province sees low long-term natural gas prices

Alberta could be facing an extended period of low natural gas prices that will have an adverse effect on the province’s finances for the foreseeable future, Finance Minister Ted Morton […]

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Reforming broken revenue system vital to Alberta’s fiscal future

Edmonton – The economic evidence is in and it shows overwhelmingly that Alberta’s economy is still on shaky ground. “Unstable commodity prices, a continuing jobs crisis, falling retail sales, increasing […]

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Two immigration programs suspended

The Alberta Federation of Labour is commending Alberta’s labour minister for suspending two immigration programs it says were being used inappropriately to fill job gaps. Alberta Employment and Immigration Minister […]

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Alberta suspends immigrant fast-track programs

Faced with a drop in demand for labour in the province, the Alberta government has suspended a pair of programs meant to fast-track immigration applications for foreign workers. The province […]

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It’s time to rally – and eat – on the McKesson picket line

After nearly eight weeks walking the line, strikers remain as strong as ever at McKesson Canada facilities in Edmonton. Now it’s time to show them the strength of your support! […]

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August 2010: New website; AB sheds jobs; Workers still at risk; Farm Workers at risk; Next Up Alberta

Welcome to our new website The Alberta Federation of Labour has a new website and is now on Facebook and Twitter. We’d really like you check out the site (let […]

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Alberta has a dismal record on workplace safety prosecutions and convictions: AFL research reveals province has a conviction rate of only 2.8 per cent on workplace fatalities

Edmonton – The Alberta government is failing to protect workers with its lax attitude toward prosecuting employers involved in workplace fatalities and injuries, according to research by the Alberta Federation […]

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Applications are now being accepted for the second year of Next Up Alberta: A Leadership Program for Young People Committed to Social and Environmental Justice

The application process is now under way for a new cohort of Next Up participants. This is an amazing, intensive and transformative program for young social change activists between the […]

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Freeze chills Edmonton job numbers: Nearly 9,000 jobs gained in July

EDMONTON – A freeze on public-sector hiring may be a key reason Edmonton’s unemployment rate is higher than the rest of the province, says Alberta Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas […]

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Alberta sheds 13,000 full-time jobs in July; employment gains are only in part-time jobs

Dismal job numbers prove it would be irresponsible to end federal stimulus spending, says AFL Edmonton – Officially, Alberta’s unemployment rate dropped for July, but those overall figures mask the […]

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Alberta government heads down dangerous path with farm-worker discrimination

Excluding farm workers from workplace protections a legal minefield – allows unsafe work to continue Edmonton – Reports that the Conservative government is likely to ignore an Alberta judge’s recommendations […]

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Strikers keep on truckin’ at McKesson Canada

Members of General Teamsters Local 362 boosted picket line spirits at McKesson Canada in Edmonton last week, dropping by with a big rig to show their support for UFCW 401 […]

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Labour boss slams safety postings: Online project touted to make employers more compliant with orders

EDMONTON – A union boss says the province’s plan to publicly post safety records for all Alberta companies starting this September may fall well short of telling people whether or […]

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Watered-down website for workplace safety represents lost opportunity to save lives

AFL asks: “Who got to the minister and convinced him to back down?” Once again, Alberta workers have been disappointed by an Alberta government that says it cares about them, […]

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Alberta using ‘immoral’ incentives to deny WCB benefits, charges labour group: AFL critical of bonuses paid to staff who trim caseloads, says premium rates for dangerous industries a…

Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is the only board in Canada that pays bonuses to staff as an incentive to trim their caseloads, according to the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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WCB uses ‘immoral’ incentives: labour group: AFL says bonus system only in Alberta

Alberta is the only province where Workers’ Compensation Board staff get bonuses for swiftly getting injured workers off benefits and back to work — and must discontinue these “immoral” incentives, […]

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WCB bonuses for getting injured workers back on the job criticize

CALGARY – Alberta is the only province where Workers Compensation Board staff get bonuses for swiftly getting injured workers off benefits and back to work – and must discontinue these […]

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Alberta is the only Canadian province that uses “immoral” incentives to deny WCB benefits to injured workers

Alberta WCB puts higher priority on keeping employer premiums low instead of providing service to injured workers, says AFL New research from the Alberta Federation of Labour shows that Alberta’s […]

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Foreign worker program reassessed: Airlines benefit most, minister jokes

EDMONTON – Canada’s temporary foreign worker program is no longer working for Alberta, the province’s employment and immigration minister said Tuesday. “In my opinion, it was a program that had […]

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