Stelmach policies export jobs along with bitumen out of province: Premier not acting in best interests of Albertans

While other politicians have been using the first few weeks of summer to hit the barbecue circuit, Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach has been engaged in a much more solitary pursuit: […]

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Refine it where we mine it

“Refine it Where We Mine it”, a public campaign advocating for more Alberta upgraders, is pushing the province to process more Alberta oil here at home. The partnership of municipalities […]

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July 2010: McKesson Canada strike; Jobs crisis continues; Minimum wage; IAMAW rally in Calgary

McKesson Canada workers hit the picket lines in Edmonton 213 members of UFCW 401 at McKesson Canada in Edmonton are on strike, with the issues including wage parity with employees […]

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Alberta’s jobs crisis continues: National unemployment drops; Alberta’s increases as we shed full-time jobs

Edmonton – Alberta is experiencing an ongoing jobs crisis, as our province shed full-time jobs while Canada, overall, saw increases in full-time employment. In June, Alberta’s unemployment rate edged up […]

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Job crisis continues in Alberta

News of a jump in the jobless rate has the Alberta Federation of Labour calling for a provincial stimulus plan, after numbers released indicate our jobless rate went up slightly […]

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Alberta still feeling recession’s impacts ‘unnecessarily’

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is expressing frustration over the province’s “ongoing jobs crisis” while the rest of Canada experiences increases in full-time employment. Alberta’s unemployment rate in June […]

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Don’t blame unions for G20 chaos: I’m sure Duhaime would prefer that people who disagree with public policy stay home and shut up

It’s hard to know where to begin in pointing out the flaws – or outright misleading propaganda – in Eric Duhaime’s July 7 column blaming unions for the G20 “mess.” […]

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McKesson Canada workers on the picket line in Edmonton: 213 workers of UFCW 401 are now on strike!

Issue: McKesson Canada workers on the picket line in Edmonton; 213 members of UFCW 401 are now on strike Action Requested: Join the workers on two picket lines. When: Today […]

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Rally in Calgary, July 13, 2010 – First Collective Agreement for Park Operations Workers at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede: Volunteers needed immediately to help with leafletting!

Issue: First Collective Agreement for Park Operations Workers at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede. Actions Requested: Volunteers needed immediately to help with leafletting; also get your members to attend rally […]

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A summit when police were praised

Would you believe that after the G8 meeting held near Calgary in 2002 the Council of Canadians’ Maude Barlow complimented the city police on their approach to political activists who […]

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2010 Jun Speaking Notes – Presentation to Minister’s Advisory Committee on Health Care (MACH)

Good morning. My name is Gil McGowan and I am the President of the Alberta Federation of Labour. As most of you know, the AFL is Alberta’s largest organization of […]

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Reforming Canada’s Pension Plan

Only thirty-three percent of Albertans are covered by a workplace pension plan, a rate below the national average. And with the number of retirees set to spike as the baby […]

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Let’s face it – Alberta has a problem, a revenue problem: It’s time for a grown-up conversation about how to fix the province’s broken revenue system

The Alberta government’s revenue model is broken and the time has come to talk about how to fix it, says Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) president Gil McGowan. Yes, that […]

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Which Way Will We Pay?

Which Way Will We Pay? It’s time for a grown-up conversation about Alberta’s revenue problem – and how we fund vital public services Too often the budget dialogue in Alberta […]

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The boom’s cruel legacy: Job-related fatalities hit a 26-year high during Alberta’s last oil-fuelled boom, when workers flooded into the province. As the recession fades and employment re…

Globetrotter Darina Valentik died in the path of a slow-moving railcar.Teenager Joel Balfour was killed when a backhoe bucket struck him in the head. Baker Donna Noonan died after tripping […]

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Naming names: Alberta’s employment ministry vows to identify the worst safety performers, but behind the scenes, the province is still fighting to keep this information secret

This year, about 1,900 Alberta employers have been flagged with substandard safety records, a figure that’s surged by a third in the past 10 years. Nearly 300 have been on […]

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Minimum Wage Increases Do Not Lead to Job Loss: AFL analysis shows service industry employment has increased after minimum wage adjustments

CALGARY – New Alberta Federation of Labour research shows employment in service industries actually grows after minimum wages increases, said AFL president Gil McGowan in his presentation to a government […]

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2010 Jun Speaking Notes – Presentation to Alberta Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on the Economy – Minimum Wage

Good afternoon. My name is Gil McGowan and I’m president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. As most of you know, the AFL is Alberta’s largest labour organization, representing 29 […]

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Major labour shortage predicted for oilpatch by 2014

CALGARY – Canada’s oilpatch may once again be a magnet for workers from across the country and around the world, an economist said Monday after a study predicted a major […]

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June 2010: Which Way Will We Pay?; Health-care public meetings; Public education petition

Which way will we pay for our vital public services? Despite all the media reports and shrill calls for cuts, Alberta does not have a spending problem, it has a […]

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Head of Alberta Federation of Labour says foreign workers exploited

There are nearly twice as many temporary foreign workers in Alberta now as there were at the height of the economic boom. Newly released figures from Citizenship and Immigration Canada […]

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Temporary foreign worker numbers soar

There are nearly twice as many temporary foreign workers in Alberta now as there were at the height of the economic boom. Newly-released figures from Citizenship and Immigration Canada show […]

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Track injuries better, deal with problem employers: Alberta opposition: Province comes under fire following mistakes in auditor general’s report

Opposition parties are calling on the Alberta government to do a better job of tracking and dealing with employers that fail to meet health and safety standards. Merwan Saher, the […]

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