“We should be applauding, not vilifying, workers for using their collective power”
Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan made the following statement in response to news that members of CUPE 3550, representing workers at the Edmonton Public School Board, have issued notice that they will begin strike action next Monday.
EDMONTON – “Without the leverage associated with strikes, or the threat of strikes, ordinary working people have little bargaining power. In this era of high inflation and stagnate wages, we should be applauding, not vilifying, workers for using their collective power to bargain higher wages and to force the school board and provincial government to put more money into our underfunded classrooms.
“It’s important to note that issuing a strike notice doesn’t actually mean that there will be a strike. Many negotiations are settled in the eleventh hour, on the verge of the start of strikes. The strike notice forces the employer to come back to the table with a better offer – and the threat of losing income forces the workers to consider compromise. This is the way the system is supposed to work.
“So, lets all take a deep breath and hope that the school board comes back to the table with a revised offer that addresses the chronically low wages of education workers. Many support staff are working two or three jobs to earn a living. Some support staff have gone ten years without a cost-of-living wage. This is completely unacceptable.
“Alberta public schools are the lowest funded in the country on a per student basis. The UCP policies of low wages and rock-bottom education funding are having major impacts on workers, students, and classroom conditions. School boards can’t retain and attract workers. There are currently 261 vacancies for support positions at the Edmonton Public School Board. The UCP needs to scrap its failed education policies and properly fund public education.”
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Ian Hussey
Director of Research and Political Action
Email: ihussey@afl.org