AFL outlines six ways to improve the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit COVID-19 – AFL

EDMONTON – Applications for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) opened yesterday and while the federal government’s efforts to help Canadians through the COVID-19 pandemic are laudable, continuous adjustments will […]

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Child care is an essential service for Albertans during this crisis, and always – AFL

COVID-19 has exposed gaps and a lack of child care for Alberta workers, which is only exasperated by a public health emergency EDMONTON – COVID-19 has shown that rather than […]

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UCP’s decision to axe 20,000 education jobs during a crisis will set families adrift and further damage the economy, says AFL – AFL

EDMONTON – “Cowardly, cold-hearted, dishonest and irresponsible.” That’s how the president of the Alberta Federation of Labour describes the decision by the Kenney government to cut more than 20,000 jobs […]

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AFL calls for stronger wage subsidy program to ensure jobs and employment for Albertans – AFL

Canada should copy bold programs in countries like Denmark EDMONTON – Alberta’s largest advocacy organization for working people is urging governments to take further steps to support Canadian workers through […]

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Many employers are not following government guidelines on COVID-19. What is the UCP going to do about it? – AFL

AFL demands answers on behalf of anxious Alberta workers EDMONTON – What is the UCP going to do about the many employers in the province who are not following government […]

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Alberta lacks ‘surge capacity’ in health care system because of past cuts – AFL

Kenney government needs to open more acute care and intensive care hospital beds – STAT! EDMONTON – If something dramatic isn’t done very soon to expand the number of acute […]

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Alberta unions demand that the UCP scrap the budget they just passed – AFL

It’s “courting disaster” to proceed with an austerity budget while the Alberta economy is “falling off a cliff” EDMONTON – Alberta unions are demanding that Jason Kenney’s UCP government immediately […]

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UCP misled Albertans on PAID sick leave, causing more confusion for workers and employers during a crisis – AFL

Everything has been shutting down and STILL no one knows if or how they’re getting paid Statement from Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour For Immediate ReleaseMarch […]

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Alberta unions condemn UCP decision to ram through deeply-flawed budget – AFL

“They’re using the current crisis as a pretext to pass an ideological budget that does not fit the times and which will hurt, not help our province.” Statement from Gil […]

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Alberta unions demand paid sick leave for all Albertans – AFL

Federal measures are welcome, but province also needs to take action EDMONTON – If the UCP is serious about addressing COVID19, they also need to get serious about making it […]

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UCP government is attacking women’s rights – AFL

To honour International Women’s Day, AFL highlights UCP cuts and attacks on women EDMONTON – Alberta women are actually moving backwards as the UCP continues to introduce more and more […]

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Bill 1 takes unprecedented steps to curtail freedom of expression and dissent under the guise of protecting infrastructure – AFL

Statement from the Alberta Federation of Labour calling on Premier Kenney to withdraw Bill 1 The Alberta Federation of Labour is urging Premier Kenney to withdrawal his Bill 1, the […]

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Albertans are telling us ‘this is not what I voted for’ – AFL

Unions launch next phase of fightback campaign For Immediate Release March 4, 2020 EDMONTON – Some of Alberta’s largest unions have launched the next phase of their campaign to oppose […]

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Kenney’s Budget breaks promises, delivers opposite of what Albertans voted for last year – AFL

Albertans voted for promises of jobs, economic growth, protecting their public health care, and for no cuts to frontline services EDMONTON – Budget 2020, which was tabled this afternoon, contains […]

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Pre-budget check up: “Where are the jobs, Jason?” – AFL

During the 2019 election, Jason Kenney promised that a UCP government would deliver jobs and economic growth. But the reality has been quite different. We’ve already seen one budget from […]

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The Teck lesson: “Kenney’s climate belligerence is doing more to drive away investment and kill jobs than anything that’s been done by environmentalists or Indigenous protesters.” – AFL

The following statement has been issued by Alberta Federation of Labour president, Gil McGowan, in response to Teck’s decision to withdraw their application for Frontier Mine. EDMONTON – The letter […]

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UCP attack on doctors should set off alarm bells with Albertans, say AFL president – AFL

Gil McGowan, president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group, the Alberta Federation of Labour, released the following statement about the UCP’s attack on doctors: The Kenney government’s decision to tear […]

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Don’t you dare! – AFL

Why working Albertans don’t trust Jason Kenney with their retirement savings For Immediate Release February 19, 2020 EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has released a new report […]

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UCP government must remove caps, juries to grow Alberta’s screen industry – AFL

Unions release report with recommendations for screen funding For Immediate Release February 11, 2020 CALGARY – A new Alberta of Federation of Labour (AFL) report reveals why the UCP government’s […]

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The UCP continues to kill jobs, not create them – AFL

New report shows there are now thousands fewer Albertans with jobs than when the UCP took over For Immediate Release February 7, 2020 EDMONTON – A report released by Statistics […]

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Canadian Taxpayers Federation attack on front-line nurses’ contract shows open collusion with the Kenney Government – AFL

For Immediate Release February 5, 2020 EDMONTON – The Canadian Taxpayers Federation’s intentionally misleading attack on the United Nurses of Alberta’s current collective agreement shines a bright light on the […]

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Albertans didn’t vote for Kenney to cut and privatize their public health care – AFL

Alberta Health Services review lays the groundwork for conservative agenda of deep cuts and privatization EDMONTON – The Alberta Health Services (AHS) review, done by Ernst and Young LLP, was […]

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“We shouldn’t be basing our future on bulls#!%” – AFL

AFL president Gil McGowan responds to statement from Finance Minister Travis Toews on so-called “Blue Ribbon” panel report Earlier this week, we at the Alberta Federation of Labour released heavily […]

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Solidarity! AFL president joins locked out Regina Co-op Refinery Unifor workers – AFL

‘We all need to push back because Canada’s middle class is at risk,’ says McGowan Regina – The Alberta Federation of Labour president, Gil McGowan, flew to Regina today to […]

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