AFL questions Janice MacKinnon’s independence from UCP government – AFL

Government provided close communication support to chair of panel that calls for deep cuts EDMONTON – Internal government correspondence, obtained via Freedom of Information requests, shows that the Kenney government […]

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AFL demands independent investigation into the deaths of three CP Rail Calgary workers – AFL

Statement from the Alberta Federation of Labour For Immediate Release Jan. 28, 2020 EDMONTON – Back in February, 2019 the brakes of a 99-car grain train failed and the train […]

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While Canada reports a decent jobs rebound, Alberta’s unemployment rises – AFL

‘Where are the jobs, Jason?’ says Gil McGowan, AFL president Edmonton – Today’s Labour Force Survey release is good news for Canada but bad news for Alberta and Jason Kenney’s […]

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The UCP weaken safety rules that protect working Albertans – AFL

Statement from Gil McGowan, President, Alberta Federation of Labour EDMONTON – Under the guise of “red tape reduction,” the UCP has begun their attack on the safety rules that protect […]

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Leader of Alberta’s labour movement urges federal government to say ‘no’ to Jason Kenney’s plea for cash – AFL

McGowan will deliver his message at a meeting of union leaders and activists in Winnipeg today WINNIPEG – In a speech to labour leaders and activists in Winnipeg today, the […]

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UCP government creating policies that will contribute to gender inequality – AFL

On this day, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, the AFL demands action on gender inequality in Alberta Edmonton – On this day, the National […]

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UCP is using a report that government experts characterized as “poor quality” and “highly inaccurate” to justify deep cuts to health care – AFL

Documents obtained through Freedom of Information paint a picture of the UCP’s willingness to use shoddy data to support pre-ordained conclusions EDMONTON – One of the reports that the Kenney […]

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Black Friday takes on a new meaning as Jason Kenney’s budget cuts lead to the loss of at least 750 nursing jobs

Statement from Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour EDMONTON – “Do you remember when Jason Kenney promised jobs and economic growth? Do you remember when he said […]

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AFL says UCP will soon add a “worker gag law” to its growing list of anti-democratic actions – AFL

Legislation will be designed to silence workers and undermine union advocacy campaigns EDMONTON – First the UCP demonized environmentalists with the war room and the House Un-Albertan activities inquiry. Then […]

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Government rolls back rights of agriculture workers in Alberta even further than they were before Bill 6

Statement from AFL president Gil McGowan on new UCP farm workers bill EDMONTON – Bill 26 is a giant step backwards for farm, ranch and agriculture workers in Alberta. They […]

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Union leaders tell UCP: ‘The money saved by Albertans for retirement belongs to them, not to you!’ – AFL

Joint statement from the leaders of Alberta’s largest labour organizations EDMONTON – For the past two days, Albertans have been justifiably preoccupied with the implications that Bill 22 has for […]

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Alberta’s premier is doing what even Trump wouldn’t do – he wants to fire the man investigating him – AFL

But that’s not all. Kenney is also attacking the independence of Alberta’s biggest pension plans EDMONTON – Today’s headlines in Alberta will, quite rightly, be about Jason Kenney’s outrageous decision […]

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Unions warn that Kenney government is about to weaken workplace safety protections as part of so-called “Red Tape Review” – AFL

Health and safety protections are NOT ‘red tape,’ says AFL president EDMONTON – The Kenney government is considering dropping or weakening many workplace health and safety (OHS) protections because it […]

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UCP signals intent to roll back protections for Alberta workers – AFL

Albertans will, once again, be denied the workplace protections that other Canadians take for granted, say AFL EDMONTON – Statement on behalf of Gil McGowan, president of the Alberta Federation […]

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New campaign asks Albertans to “Join the Resistance” against #KenneysCuts and the #KenneyRecession – AFL

Kenney’s cuts will trigger a recession and crash the Alberta economy, warn unions For Immediate Release Nov. 5, 2019 CALGARY – Some of Alberta’s largest unions have launched a campaign […]

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New report confirms Kenney’s budget will tip Alberta into recession and kill more jobs than the oil price collapse of 2014-16 – AFL

EDMONTON OCTOBER 29, 2019 – A new report has confirmed earlier warnings that the UCP’s first budget will kill as many as 114,000 jobs, split between the public and private […]

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The UCP is using lies to justify an attack on the standard of living of Albertans working in the public sector – AFL

Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan: Jason Kenney and the UCP have broken faith with the thousands and thousands of public-sector Albertans who helped elect them. During […]

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Budget cuts much deeper and more damaging than Kenney admits – AFL

‘Jason Kenney is playing games with numbers,’ says Gil McGowan, AFL president EDMONTON OCTOBER 24, 2019 – Today’s budget cuts will be much deeper than Kenney admits. The reality is […]

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New report says Kenney’s planned public service cuts will devastate Alberta’s economy

EDMONTON – Implementation by the Kenney government of the MacKinnon report’s recommendations could drive Alberta’s economy into recession and result in the loss of up to 113,500 jobs in both […]

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Unions release top 10 list of “lies and distortions” being used by UCP to justify cuts – AFL

McGowan urges citizens and reporters to use the list as protection against the “avalanche of bulls#%t that the UCP is about to dump on our province” EDMONTON – The Kenney […]

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MacKinnon report a prescription for disaster, says Gil McGowan – AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour translates MacKinnon report Edmonton: “The MacKinnon report is a prescription for disaster and will not lead Alberta to prosperity,” says AFL president Gil McGowan. “It […]

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Proposed new rules permitting greater labour mobility for temporary foreign workers a step in the right direction – AFL

AFL calls on the federal government to reject pleas from employer groups looking to water down protections for temporary foreign workers EDMONTON – On the advice of the Standing Committee […]

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Alberta Farm Workers Day 2019 bittersweet

The Alberta Federation of Labour releases the following statement for Alberta Farm Workers Day 2019: EDMONTON – This year’s Alberta Farm Workers Day is bittersweet because, while we recognize that […]

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UCP government sets up biased panel to attack minimum wage – AFL

In past work-related reviews, the Alberta Federation of Labour was consulted, even under conservative governments EDMONTON – It is clear that the UCP government’s minimum wage ‘expert’ panel announced yesterday […]

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