New campaign ad rules excessively strict

Like the little critters in the Stampede midway’s Whack a Mole, signs of a fall election are suddenly popping up all over Alberta’s political landscape. First came the announcement by […]

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Alberta young worker safety report fails to address threat of violent crime: Union association

report that came after an inspection blitz focused on young worker safety is grim, said the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL). The report doesn’t deal with violent crime, one of […]

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Hazardous material violations lead pack of workplace safety infractions: Lukaszuk announces results of targeted inspections

EDMONTON – Provincial inspectors found at least one safety violation in 70 per cent of workplaces that often employ young people. No workplaces were issued a stop-work order for the […]

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Temporary foreign workers: a growing reality. But is it the right one?

How immigration policy is increasingly being used by governments and businesses to address labour market needs, and the debates these policies have given rise to. In this 4-part series, The […]

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Join Together Alta meeting Thursday night

Expect cutbacks to the education system to be front-and-centre when a group calling for more money for education, health care, and other government services holds a public meeting in Edmonton […]

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Unions unite on march down Jasper Avenue

“Who decides? We’ll decide! Whose work? Our work!” was the cry heard across the downtown core yesterday. Hundreds of Canada Post workers united with other labour unions to voice their […]

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Edmonton postal workers rally against proposed back-to-work legislation: Other unions join voices to send message to federal government

EDMONTON – Solidarity was the message postal workers and labour unions took to the streets of Edmonton Tuesday after a rally at Canada Post’s downtown plant. “You are not alone. […]

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Postal strike ‘not over yet’

Marching through Edmonton’s core, hundreds of angry postal workers and union leaders shouted their message loud and clear. “We’re working united, we’ll never be defeated!” workers shouted on Tuesday outside […]

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Accusation of “Americanizing” arises during postal dispute

Organized labour is accusing the Harper government of “Americanizing” collective bargaining. The accusation came Tuesday during a noon hour rally outside Canada Post’s downtown plant in Edmonton. It saw a […]

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Soft economy keeps injured workers home: Modified work boosts morale

Alberta workers seriously injured on the job in the past two years stayed home longer afterwards due to a soft economy with fewer opportunities for “modified work,” the Workers’ Compensation […]

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Ottawa moves to stop postal dispute

Calgary postal workers are hoping the union and Canada Post can iron out a collective agreement before being forced to return to the job by looming back-to-work legislation. “We are […]

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Lockout shocks local postal union president

Canada Post’s decision to lock out its unionized workers Tuesday night was more of a shock to local union president Doris Salmaso, than was Wednesday’s announcement by the federal government […]

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Alberta needs new revenue system

Fluctuating revenues lead to cuts when oil prices decline In industries such as oil and gas, revenues can fluctuate, sometimes wildly, with the ebbs and flows of the market. For […]

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Hundreds of city teachers lost to budget cuts

EDMONTON – After a day in which 326 Edmonton teaching positions were likely lost, school boards say they desperately need consistent funding. Both Edmonton school boards passed versions of their […]

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Local postal workers hit picket lines

Local urban Canada Post workers are solidly on the picket line now after Canada Post locked them out Tuesday night. That’s a change from Tuesday morning when striking workers in […]

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United they fell: The Gainers meatpacking strike 25 years later

EDMONTON – High-profile strikes erupted across Alberta in the summer of 1986 as the oil boom went bust, often pitting workers against police in what many saw as a fight […]

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Alberta tightens guidelines for COR-holding companies

Alberta is implementing stricter guidelines for its Certificate of Recognition (COR) system aimed at boosting scrutiny of COR-holding companies that experience workplace deaths and serious injuries. “Losing a COR is […]

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Concerns raised over long-term care

Concerns have arisen around changes to seniors care in Grande Prairie with the relocation of residents from the QEII’s Mackenzie Place to the new Points West Living complex in the […]

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Learning Disabilities Association shutting down

Close to 800 clients with learning disabilities will need to find new support after the local chapter of the Learning Disabilities Association closes on June 17. This is the second […]

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Higher minimum wage won’t end poverty

In one fell swoop, the Alberta government has managed to ensure the perpetuity of both future minimum wage increases and the controversy over the minimum wage itself. After freezing the […]

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Alberta vows to end abuse of WCB rebates: Lukaszuk sets out new guidelines

A voluntary safety accreditation program that entitles employers to earn WCB premium rebates and bid on lucrative government contracts is being abused, admits Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk. Lukaszuk announced Thursday […]

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Minister strengthens workplace safety rules

Provincial safety accreditation is now on the line for employers not in the business of providing safe workplaces for their employees. Starting July 1 — Canada Day — Alberta employers […]

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HSAA celebrates its 40th Annual General Meeting

HSAA President Elizabeth Ballermann to address delegates on key health challenges and other major issues. Edmonton (2 June 2011) – Delegates gather today in Edmonton, Alberta to kick off one […]

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Workplace safety regulations tightened

Stricter workplace safety regulations could see Alberta employers who experience on-site fatalities or serious injuries lose their government accreditation. Minister of Employment and Immigration Thomas Lukaszuk announced Thursday the implementation […]

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