Alberta to increase minimum wage to $9.40 on Sept. 1, booze servers to get less

EDMONTON – Alberta is raising its minimum wage, but too late for students working summer jobs who will be returning to school this fall. The general minimum wage will rise […]

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Stricter safety guidelines coming for Alberta employers

Jobsite fatalities, serious injuries or multiple stop work orders will force an immediate review of employers safety accreditation staring July 1, according to new rules introduced by the province Thursday. […]

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Safety reviews to follow serious workplace incidents: Minister

Alberta Workplace safety violators will soon be hit with harsher penalties. Employment and Immigration minister Thomas Lukaszuk announced Tuesday that workplace deaths, serious injuries and multiple stop-work orders are now […]

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Alberta labour, social agencies unite to fight provincial budget cuts: Higher taxes, energy royalties would stablize funding for education, social services, health care, group says

EDMONTON — Raising taxes will reduce provincial budget cuts and save more than 1,000 teachers from losing their jobs in Alberta, say unions, community groups and social-services agencies, which have […]

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Alberta unions, special interest groups protest teacher cuts

A plan to lay off more than 1,000 teachers across Alberta is being met with fierce opposition from unions and special interest groups, who say the decision can’t be justified. […]

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Raising minimum wage a dilemna

The Alberta Federation of Labour thinks the province’s minimum wage is too low, and it wants Alberta Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk to do something about that before he […]

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Alberta teachers hold news conference to discuss cuts

Teachers and the Alberta Federation of Labour plan to fight layoffs that could cost up to 1,200 teachers their jobs. The Alberta Teachers’ Association is holding a news conference this […]

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Public sector coalition launches campaign against cuts

A coalition of public sector workers is ramping up its call for no more government cuts. The Join Together Alberta group launched a new campaign Thursday, essentially creating a coalition […]

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Lukaszuk says AFL is acting “in poor taste”

The Alberta Federation of Labour says Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk is going to leave his cabinet post to run for the provincial PC leadership. The AFL worries, by […]

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Foreign companies buying into tarsands: Canada losing profits and control as refining moves to countries with low labour and environmental standards

Foreign corporations, some controlled by national governments, have been using their economic clout to buy into Alberta’s oil sands and take control of our natural resources. US, French, British, Chinese, […]

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How the code of silence works

Thank you, readers, for sending in some stories about life in Canada’s one-party province after reading my story, The Fear Factor in Alberta Politics. Tories and non-Tories responded. I was […]

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Safety blitz focuses on young workers

Alberta’s employment minister says safety inspectors are fanning out across the province for a month-long safety sweep focused on inexperienced employees and the places they work. Speaking at Bumpy’s Cafe […]

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Governments report workplace safety is improving over time

Labour unions in British Columbia and Alberta held ceremonies April 28 to remember workers who have been killed on the job, while the governments in both provinces say injury rates […]

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Battle rages in Calgary’s only open riding

It’s the only open race in Calgary — with no incumbent seeking re-election — and now the mad dash to the finish has begun. The five federal hopefuls in Calgary […]

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Workplace injuries: good news and bad: Alberta workplace injuries at a new low, despite tragedy

EDMONTON – On the same day news broke of an Alberta worker being killed by deadly gas at a job site, Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk said Alberta’s workplace injury rates […]

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Councillor Wyntjes wins May Day Solidarity Award

Red Deer city councillor and long-time activist Dianne Wyntjes has received the May Day Solidarity Award, which is given to an Alberta trade unionist every year who has “contributed to […]

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Study finds child labour, violations in Alberta

EDMONTON (Canadian OH&S News) A study suggesting potentially widespread labour malpractices involving children and adolescents in Alberta, including illegal employment, has elicited calls from the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) […]

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Harper foes rally in Calgary Tory fortress

Left-leaning labour activists gathered for an anti-Stephen Harper rally Saturday, voicing outrage over “broken promises” by the prime minster and support for another man, Jack Layton. With only two days […]

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Importance of oilsands not lost on NDP: Mason

Alberta has nothing to fear from a federal government led by Jack Layton, says provincial New Democratic Party Leader Brian Mason. Despite the federal Conservatives’ insistence that NDP environmental policies […]

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Worker deaths across Alberta rise 24% in 2010

The state of Alberta’s economy can be measured in more than dollars -booming business is also mirrored in the workplace death toll. Government figures show workplace fatalities in 2010 spiked […]

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City strikes committee on council remuneration

St. Albert city council took formal action to place decision-making on their 2011 remuneration out of their hands on Tuesday as they created a committee to be made up of […]

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Alberta workplace fatalities spike 24% from previous year

The state of the province’s economy can be measured in more than dollars — booming business is also mirrored in the death toll suffered by workers. Government figures show workplace […]

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Alberta workplace deaths up in 2010

The Alberta Federation of Labour says 2010 was a deadly year with 136 workplace-related deaths in the province, up from 110 deaths in 2009. The AFL released the figures Thursday […]

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Labour groups mark day of mourning for workers killed on the job

Labour groups are remembering workers killed or injured on the job. Marches and ceremonies are being held across the prairies as part of the National Day of Mourning. The Alberta […]

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