Widespread violations of standards for underage workers in Alberta

There are widespread violations of employment standards for working children and adolescents in Alberta, according to a study by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and Athabasca University. “Tens of […]

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Rights of working children violated, Alberta labour group contends: Most of province’s youngest job holders employed illegally, study says

The Alberta Federation of Labour claims tens of thousands of working Alberta children are having their rights violated. Of an estimated 26,000 children aged 12 to 14 with jobs, 21 […]

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Thousands of children working illegally: Study

A new study suggests thousands of children in Alberta are working illegally.The Athabasca University study estimates 8,200 kids from the ages of nine to 11 are doing prohibited work, including […]

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The new pipeline debate

The debate over TransCanada Corp.’s Keystone XL oil pipeline has forced Americans to confront their complicity in the development of Canada’s oilsands. Northeastern Alberta would still be moose pasture, after […]

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2011 April 19 Letter to Ryan Hastman

April 19, 2011 Mr. Ryan Hastmanc/o Campaign Headquarters5611 Gateway Blvd NorthEdmonton, AB T6H 2H3 Dear Mr. Hastman; I read with interest local media reports of your statements on oil-sands development […]

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Findings on oilsands royalties called ‘shameful’ to Alberta

CBJ – April 15 – An audit has shown Alberta’s oilsands royalties system to be an embarrassment to the province, the Alberta Federation of Labour said today. “Premier (Ed) Stelmach […]

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Mason: Tory broken promises are costing Albertans jobs

Alberta NDP leader Brian Mason says Tory broken promises are costing Albertan jobs. In the last election Ed Stelmach promised to increase the amount of bitumen being upgraded in Alberta. […]

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Help wanted!

A project manager at a sheet metal company in B.C. recently shared with me his thoughts on the labour shortage in Canada and how he’s dealing with it. He chuckled. […]

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Foreign-worker restrictions panned Lukaszuk, Duncan dismiss new federal rules

EDMONTON – Edmonton-Strathcona candidate Linda Duncan is getting widespread support for her call to fix the federal migrant worker program. A new federal policy forcing people who immigrate under the […]

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Union Fears Anti-Labour Tactics Coming to Canada: Energy giant with links to Tea Party movement registers to lobby Alberta government

Could the union-busting efforts currently afoot in some U.S. states catch on in Canada? An Alberta union leader fears the thin edge of the wedge is beginning to show. Gil […]

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Show us the money

You know you’re getting older when you can recall the minimum wage for Ontario in 1976 was $2.15. But the cost of living back when Disco was the music of […]

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Show us the money

You know you’re getting older when you can recall the minimum wage for Ontario in 1976 was $2.15. But the cost of living back when Disco was the music of […]

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U.S. energy giant lobbying province: Koch Industries owned by billionaire brothers who fund Tea Party

Edmonton – An American energy conglomerate owned by two powerful billionaire brothers who help fund the Tea Party and climate change denial movements in the U.S. has registered to lobby […]

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Time to track farm safety

Re: “Farm safety picture distorted,” by Thomas Lukaszuk, Letters, March 22. Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk writes to refute the Journal editorial “Confront lax law on farm safety,” Opinion, March 16. […]

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Women salaries trail male counterparts

A lthough International Women’s Day has passed, it’s important to continue to strive for equality. Case in point: a press release from the Alberta Federation of Labour, which shows that […]

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Alberta women falling behind: AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is lobbying the province to name a minister for the Status of Women. The AFL says Alberta women continue to suffer inequality, especially in […]

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Confront lax law on farm safety

Saskatchewan posted its best safety record in two decades last year while in Alberta, workers continue to suffer injuries and deaths at a horrific rate. Why? It’s not exactly rocket […]

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AFL calls for immediate minimum wage hike

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is calling on the province to immediately increase the minimum wage. It’s a move they say is long overdue. The current minimum wage in […]

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Temporary foreign workers can apply to government for permanent residency

Unions applauded a provincial government move Monday to allow temporary foreign workers certified in Alberta’s optional trades to apply directly to the government for permanent residency instead of having to […]

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Additional health and safety inspectors ‘good news’

Friday’s announcement of additional Occupational Health and Safety inspectors is one more step to ensuring Fort McMurray residents make it home safely from work at the end of the day. […]

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AFL cautiously optimistic about new OHS inspectors

The Stelmach government’s announcement of 30 new Occupational Health and Safety workplace inspectors is welcome, but Alberta still remains a dangerous place to work. That’s the message from president of […]

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Province announces 30 new workplace safety inspectors

The province is bolstering the ranks of workplace safety inspectors, adding 30 new inspectors over the next three years. Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk made the announcement Friday at […]

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Alberta targets workplace accidents

Alberta is hiring 30 new occupational health and safety officers to improve the province’s record on workplace accidents. “I hope this sends a strong message to any company or worker […]

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Measures take aim at workplace safety offenders

Alberta employers punished with creative sentence fines after a worker is seriously injured or killed will now be tracked under the same provincial system that looks at whether all other […]

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