Minimum wage freeze unfair: AFL

While the provincial government is lauding its decision to freeze minimum wage, one labour group claims the government is playing politics with the wages of low income earners. The province […]

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Public bands against cuts

Massive cuts are coming and the public shouldn’t idly stand by, according to a town hall meeting last night. Held at the Quality Hotel and hosted by the newly-formed Join […]

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Low-income workers take a hit for business

EDMONTON – When Fazal Hussein found out that Alberta’s minimum wage was frozen Friday, he thought: “Great. Food stamps, here I come.” The 19-year-old clothing retailer wants to get his […]

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Alberta Tories hold line on minimum wage

Minimum-wage earners in Alberta won’t see any salary hike as the province on Friday announced a freeze for 2010, keeping workers’ hourly pay at $8.80. While the Canadian Federation of […]

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Fewer workplace deaths, fewer prosecutions: Alberta gov’t not serious enough about safety violations, critics say

For the first time in years, fewer Albertans lost their lives last year in work-related deaths as a global recession slowed production and squeezed people out of tens of thousands […]

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Connecting the Dots with Jason Kenney: Why food sovereignty can solve the climate crisis and how Canada’s immigration policy serves our free trade interests

… In Vancouver, No One is Illegal (NOII), a grassroots anti-colonial immigrant and refugee rights collective, aligns its goals with those of La Via Campesina. Immigration is not a topic […]

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Cuts Could Kill Thousands of Jobs: ‘We have options that would make most other provinces green with envy’

The province’s largest union is warning up to 60,000 jobs are at risk if the Alberta government cuts billions of dollars from its upcoming budget. “It’s clear to us that […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour forecasts big job cuts

Stelmach government’s Feb. 9 budget could cost up to 60,000 jobs, the fallout being even greater in the private sector than the public sector. – Gil McGowan. Edmonton (27 Jan. […]

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Alberta labour body fears huge job cuts

The Alberta Federation of Labour estimates as many as 60,000 jobs could be lost if the government cuts billions from the provincial budget next month. The number of jobs lost […]

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Province disputes predictions of major job losses

Alberta’s Tory government and a major labour group are sparring over potential job losses that will result when a tight-fisted provincial budget is tabled next month. The Alberta Federation of […]

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Thousands of jobs will be lost in Alberta cuts, labour group says

Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan believes as many as 60,000 jobs could be lost as a result of provincial government cuts. (CBC) Provincial government spending cuts could result […]

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Labour group projects thousands of job losses to follow release of spring budget

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is predicting up to 60,000 job losses when the Tory government unveils the spring budget next month. AFL’s president Gil McGowan told media Monday […]

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AFL predicts job cuts in Alta., but government says that’s just fear mongering

EDMONTON – Alberta’s Tory government and a major labour group are sparring over potential job losses that will result when a tight-fisted provincial budget is tabled next month. The Alberta […]

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Federation of Labour sounding job loss alarm

The Alberta Federation of Labour says their people crunched the government’s spending cut numbers and found nothing but a job crisis ahead. Gil McGowan, with the AFL, says their new […]

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Budget may cut 60,000 jobs: Provincial plan could be worse than recession, says labour federation

As many as 60,000 jobs could be lost because of provincial government budget cuts, warns the Alberta Federation of Labour in a report released Monday. The document titled Worse Than […]

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AFL job-loss prediction ‘vastly exaggerated’: Morton

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour estimates as many as 60,000 jobs could be lost if the government cuts billions from the provincial budget next month. The number of […]

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Labour coalition takes aim at Ted Morton

Premier Ed Stelmach’s new cabinet members are to be sworn in this morning at Government House but the attack on one new minister has already begun. Public service organizations are […]

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Morton warns Alberta’s spending ‘buffet’ coming to an end

As Premier Ed Stelmach warned Thursday that Albertans should brace for a leaner budget, his new finance minister issued his own missive: The province’s all-you-can-eat spending buffet is about to […]

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Coalition to rally opposition to budget cuts

Gil McGowan of the Alberta Federation of Labour says there’s growing public opposition to planned government cuts. (CBC)A coalition of 10 unions and lobby groups launched a new campaign Friday […]

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Suncor asset sale a sign of permanent structural shift in gas patch

CALGARY – Suncor’s decision this week to unwind its natural-gas business points to what could be a permanent structural shift that highlights the decreasing competitiveness of Alberta’s natural gas patch, […]

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Stelmach loyalists among the shuffled

EDMONTON – Premier Ed Stelmach softened the face of his government’s health reforms and signalled a shift to the fiscal right in a cabinet shuffle Wednesday. With his party falling […]

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Liepert is out as health minister

The premier officially announced the cabinet shuffle on Wednesday. As predicted, Ron Liepert has been removed from the health portfolio and will now serve as minister of energy. The new […]

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Premier announces major overhaul of Alberta cabinet amid dismal poll results

EDMONTON – Premier Ed Stelmach is overhauling Alberta’s 24-member cabinet in attempt to turn around his Progressive Conservative government’s sagging popularity. Fiscal hawk Ted Morton moves to finance, where the […]

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Suncor cuts shine light on weakness of Alberta gas

CALGARY- Suncor’s decision to unwind its natural gas business points to what could be a permanent structural shift that highlights the decreasing competitiveness of Alberta’s natural gas patch, observers said […]

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