Green jobs blooming in skilled trades: Wind farms and retrofits spell work opportunity

So-called “green jobs” are growing at more than twice the rate of traditional jobs in Canada–9.1 per cent over the last decade compared with the average of 3.7 per cent–but […]

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Workers to showcase prowess: Calgary plays host to the Olympics of skills, trade and technology this week

It’s hailed as the Olympics of skills, trade and technology, a chance for competitors to showcase their talents as they embark on in-demand careers. The WorldSkills Competition also highlights the […]

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The ABCs of pension reform in Canada: Needs to be some ‘intelligent’ debate on plan changes

Inadequate retirement income is the focus of an upcoming December meeting of federal and provincial finance ministers. It comes on the heels of recommended overhauls of the pension system in […]

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Employment Insolence in Ottawa: Politicians should stop obsessing with power play as Canadians lose jobs

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff’s finger was back on the trigger again last week, threatening Prime Minister Stephen Harper with toppling the Tory minority government. In other words, same song, different […]

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Economists predict more job losses to come, after July figures worse than anticipated

Alberta’s jobless toll may be the highest in 13 years, but the worst is yet to come as companies continue to cut workers during a deep recession, say economists. Alberta’s […]

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Labour groups say premiers need to demand Ottawa fix EI to help jobless

REGINA – Labour groups from across the country say Canada’s premiers need to pressure Ottawa to change the employment insurance system.The Canadian Labour Congress says new job numbers show the […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour calling for changes

The Alberta Federation of Labour is calling for changes to the Employment Insurance Program following the latest jobless numbers. The stats, which were released this morning, show Canada’s jobless rate […]

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Suncor CEO plans speedy streamlining

CALGARY – Suncor expects to move quickly to complete its merger with Petro-Canada and trim overlap between the two companies, its newly minted CEO said Tuesday. That includes addressing the […]

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3 investigations launched into collapsed Alberta stage

EDMONTON — Three parallel investigations have been launched by the Alberta government into the fatal stage collapse at the Big Valley Jamboree during Saturday’s severe storm in Camrose, Alta. Occupational […]

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Alberta ski resort penalized for death: Sunshine Village must pay $250,000

CALGARY – Sunshine Village Corp. has been ordered to pay more than $250,000 in fines and penalties in connection to the 2004 death of a ski hill worker. Judge Manfred […]

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Skilled immigrants squeezed out for temporary workers: Record number of short-term workers given permits to fill shortages last year, study finds

Canada is still bringing in temporary foreign workers at a near-record pace despite the recession, but a new study argues our immigration policy’s increasing focus on filling jobs will hamper […]

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Labour federation slams gov’t bitumen royalty program

A move by the province to increase bitumen upgrading on this side of the border has at least one labour group saying it’s too little to be of any significance. […]

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Suncor CEO mum on upgrader expansion: Strong U.S. demand for heavy oil has pushed company delay completion of Voyageur project

With construction of its oil sands upgrader stalled, Suncor Energy Inc. SU-T said Wednesday it plans to sell unprocessed bitumen to U.S. refiners, whose strong demand for Canadian heavy oil […]

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Premier’s vow of no tax hikes spurs fear of deep cuts: Economist forecasts deficit of more than $7 billion

Premier Ed Stelmach’s declaration that there will be no tax hikes during his reign has some people bracing for brutal cuts to programs and services if the faltering economy does […]

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Stelmach rules out tax increases to fix deficit

Premier Ed Stelmach is ruling out any tax increases to balance the budget. And to prove the point, he’s rescinding a tax on liquor, brought in just a few months […]

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Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach says there will be no tax hikes while he’s in charge

CALGARY – Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach is laying down the law when it comes to raising taxes in the province – saying now and forever, the answer is no. Faced […]

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EPCOR and Capital Power dispute legal claim

EDMONTON, July 7, 2009 /PRNewswire via COMTEX News Network/ —On June 30, 2009, an action was commenced in the Court of the Queen’s Bench of Alberta, Judicial District of Edmonton […]

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TSX’s lone IPO this year seen as encouraging

A single stock issue in June by a company new to the TSX was the first initial public offering (IPO) since mid-2008, PricewaterhouseCoopers said Tuesday. The $500 million IPO by […]

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Long EI waits leave Albertans struggling: Hundreds turn to welfare system

CALGARY- When Heather Eide applied for employment insurance, she didn’t expect she’d have to wait more than two months. At 23, she had never been laid off before. She was […]

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Make new pension plan mandatory: Union

Canadians desperately need a mandatory pension program to ensure they don’t retire into poverty, but a supplementary pension plan being considered by the Alberta and British Columbia governments is a […]

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Albertans need mandatory pension plan: AFL

EDMONTON – Albertans desperately need a mandatory pension program to ensure they don’t retire into poverty, but a supplementary pension plan being considered by the Alberta and British Columbia governments […]

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Good for the goose, not for the gander: Critics charge bias, hypocrisy in new rules on municipal elections

Municipal elections in Alberta may become more transparent with the passage of a provincial bill which restricts the amount of money candidates at the local level will be allowed to […]

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Labour group worried about oilsands jobs seeping out of Alberta

CALGARY – It used to be a foregone conclusion that the gigantic shovel-and-dumptruck operations in the oilsands would go hand-in-hand with an upgrader – a multibillion dollar facility to turn […]

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Labour federation warns jobs will head south

Though some herald the job creation resulting from Imperial Oil’s decision to go ahead with its Kearl project, the Alberta Federation of Labour warns the long-term benefits will be shipped […]

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