Alberta’s deficit budget earns praise from contractors, skepticism from unions

In its first deficit budget in 16 years, the Alberta government anticipates dipping $4.7 billion into debt in an attempt to keep Albertans working through the recession. Central to the […]

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Layoffs at Petro Canada come as no surprise to labour group

The Alberta Federation of Labour is disappointed, but not surprised that two hundred full time Petro Canada employees have been laid off.President Gil McGowan says it can be blamed on […]

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Kenney defends foreign worker policies

Union leaders questioning the entry of foreign workers into Canada are potentially inciting public opinion against newcomers, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said yesterday. The statements angered Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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Group slam foreign worker program

Alberta’s temporary foreign worker program has no oversight and is mired in so much bureaucracy that employers are allowed to treat hopeful immigrants like indentured labour. That’s what a federal […]

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Alberta minimum wage up: NWT stays

The minimum wage in Alberta is going up on April 1 from $8 per hour to $8.40. The Alberta government has put in place a system where the minimum wage […]

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Decision on layoffs may take six months following mega-merger: Workers ‘confused’

Workers at Petro-Canada and Suncor won’t know until late summer or fall how the promised layoffs will affect the merged company, or how many jobs will be cut in the […]

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170 layoffs at maker of oilpatch housing: Slowdown, oilsands delays blamed

The economic downturn in the energy sector claimed another 170 jobs Monday at two Edmonton-area plants. PTI Group Inc. laid off workers at its west-Edmonton and Nisku locations, said Ken […]

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Bill cutting trade barriers puts too much power in gov’t hands: critics

It has been called Alberta’s ticket to becoming part of Canada’s second-largest economic region. But whatever politicians want to call Bill 18, it officially ushers in Alberta’s trade partnership with […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour comments on jobless numbers

The Alberta Federation of Labour says the increased unemployment rate in Alberta last month only confirms that the province is not going to escape the economic downturn unscathed. President Gil […]

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Stop the carnage, AFL says after job losses: Alberta job loss more than 29,000 so far this year; minister predicted 15,000

EDMONTON – An Alberta labour group is calling for the province to come up with a new stimulus plan for the economy after news Friday that 23,700 people were thrown […]

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Foreign workers in Alta. face uncertain fate

EDMONTON – The number of temporary foreign workers in Alberta doubled during the last two years of the boom to reach 57,843 – more than the population of Grande Prairie, […]

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Industry says implementation of oilsands strategy will be key

The province said its oilsands strategic plan announced Thursday will benefit both industry and the environment, while sending a message to the world that Alberta’s economic engine isn’t going to […]

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Oil sands layoffs coming down pipeline; The impact of reduced captial spending budgets is beginning to make itself felt in service providers

CALGARY — The big retreat from plans to expand oil sands projects has begun to show up in job losses and declines in expected corporate revenue. Flint Energy Services Ltd. […]

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Alberta and B.C. labour unions demand changes to temporary foreign worker program

Unions in B.C. and Alberta are demanding changes be made to the temporary foreign worker (TFW) program to allow for permanent residency. However, this pathway to citizenship has already been […]

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Plunging oil prices to have spillover effects onto rest of Canada

CALGARY – The effects of plunging oil prices on Alberta’s once red hot economy will stretch well beyond the oil laden province’s boundaries, touching everything from Ontario steel pipe producers […]

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Employer charged after rape of worker: Guard sexually assaulted while alone on job site

A private security company has been charged with failing to ensure the safety of a female employee who was raped while working alone two years ago. Garda Canada Security Corp. […]

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Keeping teenagers alive on the job: Provincial ad campaign emphasizes workplace safety

EDMONTON – For 16-year-old Mitchell Tanner, last summer’s full-time gig at Rona was the real deal. “Mitchie had had jobs before, but this was his first actual job,’” said Marjorie […]

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Alberta students taking workplace safety ads to heart

Jason Reid covered his face as he heard the bone cracking and saw the leg breaking at the ankle. The worker-safety video may be a dramatization, but it was based […]

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Unions rap safety campaign

A labour group is giving Alberta’s video campaign aimed at reducing injuries among young workers the thumbs down. The $850,000 campaign features six graphic videos of young workers getting hurt […]

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Alberta young worker safety videos don’t address training, supervision: unions

EDMONTON – A labour group is giving Alberta’s gory video campaign aimed at reducing injuries among young workers the thumbs down. The $850,000 government campaign features six graphic videos of […]

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Inquiry to examine farm safety: Wife has pushed for review of 2006 death

An inquiry into the death of a man killed while working on a farm two years ago will open today — a hearing labour officials hope will highlight the “deeply […]

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Tory minority government means few changes for construction industry, associations say

The return of a Tory minority government to Ottawa does not mean much of anything new for construction, say some industry officials. “Things have not changed that much,” said Michael […]

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Lots Of Talk, Not A Lot Of Decisions: The annual Alberta Liberal convention revealed a party still reluctant to act boldly

It was a tale of two parties last weekend as supporters of both the Alberta Progressive Conservatives and Liberals gathered for their annual general meeting and conventions. As Ed Stelmach […]

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Labour groups critical of Harper’s oilsands comments

Recent election promises by Conservative Leader Stephen Harper focusing on oilsands irritated two labour groups fighting for Canadian job, and energy, security. Both the national Communications, Energy and Paperworkers (CEP) […]

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