Agreement hopes to clarify foreign worker program

The temporary foreign worker program is perhaps the most contentious labour issue in the oilsands but a new provincial and federal government agreement is expected to clarify its parameters. “We’ll […]

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Paying with your life; Young workers at risk

Alberta’s booming economy, huge influx of workers and lack of safety training on some job sites are causing more workplace accidents among young employees, and too often costing them their […]

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AFL study slams B.C.-Alberta labour agreement

A new study released by the Alberta Federation of Labour says the Trade Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) will dumb down trade qualifications. The study claims the agreement opens […]

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Stop work order lifted

A union leader says the province has quietly lifted a stop work order imposed on an oilsands tank construction site in northern Alberta after two workers died. Gil McGowan, president […]

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New bid to attract workers to Alberta

Help may soon be on the way for the province’s growing energy sector in the form of a collaborative approach addressing labour shortages. A Workforce Strategy for Alberta’s Energy Sector, […]

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Alberta falling short 100,000 workers; Labour crunch jeopardizes mega projects

Alberta faces a potentially crippling shortage of workers that could stall development of multi-billion-dollar oilsands projects and the economy at large, government and industry officials said Tuesday. Government forecasts say […]

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Alberta develops energy industry work force plan

Alberta yesterday published a new “work force strategy” to attract more workers to the province’s booming energy industry. The project, which involved industry, proposed 46 ideas to recruit, retain and […]

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Strategy Aims To Stem Alberta’s Worker Shortfall

A worker shortfall in the energy industry could stall Alberta’s motoring economy, although government and industry representatives outlined plans Tuesday to grapple with the problem. Officials unveiled a 10-year workforce […]

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Ottawa targets exploitation of foreign workers; Alberta, feds sign pact to push for fair treatment

With labourers pouring into Alberta from around the world in increasing numbers, Ottawa says it’s exploring strict new penalties to crack down on businesses or other organizations that abuse temporary […]

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Ottawa considers penalties to protect foreign workers

Ottawa is eyeing new fines and penalties to protect temporary foreign workers whose rights are being trampled by “unscrupulous” employers and labour brokers, federal Human Resources Development Minister Monte Solberg […]

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Labour fears foreign workers exploited; Temporary employees outnumbered immigrants to Alberta in 2006

EDMONTON – Alberta has become one of the first provinces to bring in more people as temporary foreign workers than through Canada’s mainline immigration system, the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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Keystone pipeline capacity raised by 35%; Expansion driven by new contracts

Keystone pipeline to the United States by 35 per cent, citing strong support from Canadian oilsands producers. The pipeline will be capable of carrying 590,000 barrels per day (bpd) to […]

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Foreign worker woes; A federal program is providing desperately needed labour for Alberta employers — but at a severe price for many workers

Mexican worker Angel Hernandez decided three decades ago he would someday come to Canada, after he saw a street dog gobble up a hamburger. Hernandez was working in a popular […]

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Top court backs law barring teachers, school employees from being trustees in top court ruling

EDMONTON – The Supreme Court of Canada has upheld an Alberta law that forbids teachers and other school employees from seeking election or serving as school board trustees. In an […]

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Alta. too hands-off on energy approvals

Many Albertans get prickly at the prospect of oilsands bitumen flowing to the U.S. for refining. And rightly so — for how can the province make most of its finite […]

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A sobering message

If this isn’t a political slap up the side of the head I don’t know what is. But will Ed Stelmach and the Alberta Tories get the message? Calgary pollster […]

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Changes to royalty regime could threaten viability of natural gas; Industry appeals for status quo as it struggles with exploding costs

CALGARY – Wholesale changes to Alberta’s royalty regime could threaten the viability of natural gas production in the province and raise rates for consumers, industry insiders told the Alberta government’s […]

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Oilsands pipeline to U.S. a job killer: labour group; Study says 18,000 jobs in the balance

The head of the Alberta Federation of Labour says TransCanada Corp.’s proposed Keystone pipeline to the United States is a job killer that needs to be stopped. In a submission […]

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Labour spokesman wants premier to live up to promises

In the Old West, calling a man a coward was a shooting matter, and “Mr. Colt” usually had the final word. It’s unlikely, however, Alberta premier Ed Stelmach is toting […]

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Raise oilsands royalties – Pembina: Low rates put ‘economy on steroids’

Albertans deserve a larger return on their vast oilsands, a provincial committee seeking input on how to best develop the resource heard Wednesday. The Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development argued […]

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Alberta to form farm safety advisory body

A provincially-backed farm safety council is expected to find ways to reduce the number of on-farm injuries in Alberta without adding more rules or more costs. The Alberta government on […]

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