The nurse who was recently elected to help lead the AFL says UCP plan to cut wages in health care is “disrespectful and reckless” – AFL

Wage cuts insult ‘pandemic heroes’ and will worsen the already serious nurses’ shortage Edmonton – The UCP’s plan to cut the wages of Alberta nurses despite their dedicated service during […]

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National Indigenous Peoples Day statement from the Alberta Federation of Labour – AFL

Joint statement from the leaders of Alberta’s largest labour organizations EDMONTON – National Indigenous Peoples Day and National Indigenous History Month offer the opportunity to celebrate the resiliency, beauty and […]

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Unions join Indigenous groups in demanding search for graves at other former residential school sites – AFL

“We cannot let this moment pass without meaningful action.” EDMONTON – Alberta unions are supporting Indigenous leaders and advocates in demanding a thorough search for graves at other former residential […]

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AFL Convention 2021 concludes with the re-election of President Gil McGowan and the election of Karen Kuprys to secretary treasurer – AFL

Alberta’s labour movement wraps ups convention ready to stand up for Alberta EDMONTON – At the 52nd Constitutional Convention of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Gil McGowan was re-elected to […]

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Universities’ pensions move shows folly of UCP’s Bill 22 – AFL

Kenney undermined ability of Alberta’s biggest pensions to get the best deal for workers and retirees EDMONTON – Alberta’s universities’ pensions board pulled funds from Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) […]

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UCP MLAs shut down the Legislature to save themselves, but leave millions of other Albertans unprotected in their workplaces – AFL

AFL demands action to keep people safe in ALL Alberta workplaces, not just the Legislature EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group, the Alberta Federation of Labour, […]

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“We won’t be able to get a handle on the third wave until the UCP acknowledges that COVID is being spread in Alberta workplaces” – AFL

On the National Day of Mourning, AFL releases 10-point plan to protect Alberta workers and help end the pandemic EDMONTON – Every year, workers come together on April 28, the […]

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Dreeshen took COVID-19 safety equipment from emergency workers to give to meatpacking plants, documents suggest – AFL

Minister Dreeshen interfered with Alberta’s emergency response while packing plant ran without PPE EDMONTON – Minister Dreeshen’s office interfered with the provincial emergency response to COVID-19 to take personal protective […]

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AFL worried about UCP’s true intentions as Kenney government moves to abolish apprenticeship board – AFL

Bill 67 will give minister unprecedented power – and unions don’t trust him to use it wisely EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is skeptical and worried by the […]

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AFL president demands vaccinations for front line workers – AFL

EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization, the Alberta Federation of Labour, is demanding that the Kenney government add education workers, grocery store workers, group home workers […]

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Starting tomorrow, employers will no longer be required to keep injured workers on benefit plans or hire them back when they recover – AFL

On April 1, 2021 several parts of the UCP’s disastrous Bill 47 come into force, further weakening Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation system. EDMONTON – Although the UCP originally passed this legislation […]

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Ministers Dreeshen and Copping should be fired and a public inquiry called into the UCP’s response to COVID-19 in meatpacking plants, says AFL – AFL

Documents obtained by the AFL show that UCP dangerously bungled COVID-19 response at Cargill EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is calling for the UCP’s Agriculture and Labour Ministers […]

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AFL calls for public inquiry into unlawful police activity against MLA Phillips and demands officers be fired – AFL

Joint statement from the leaders of Alberta’s largest labour organizations Edmonton – The unions of the Alberta Federation of Labour stand together to support Lethbridge-West MLA Shannon Phillips to condemn […]

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Alberta women are still fighting for gender equality this IWD – paid sick days are an important step forward

From wages at work to the amount of unpaid care work they do in their formal jobs and at home, COVID-19 has only made the struggles for women in Alberta […]

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AFL echoes call for public inquiry into UCP’s handling of COVID-19 at meat packing plants – AFL

The UCP has been derelict in their duty to keep workers and the public safe, says McGowan Edmonton – Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization, the Alberta Federation of Labour, is […]

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2021 budget will undermine Alberta’s economic recovery – AFL

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will last longer without budget support EDMONTON – Alberta’s 2021 budget does not provide Alberta the tools it needs to recover from the effects of […]

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UCP’s One-time Reimbursement Does Nothing to Solve Child Care Crisis for Alberta Families – AFL

All children deserve a Fair Start in life. Yet, Jason Kenney’s approach to child care continues to leave many families behind EDMONTON – Yesterday’s announcement from the UCP government of […]

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We can’t afford to wait. It’s time for paid sick leave for every worker in Canada. – AFL

Joint Statement by Canada’s Provincial and Territorial Federations of Labour In advance of the federal, provincial and territorial labour ministers’ meeting, provincial and territorial federations of labour are united in […]

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The budget Albertans need puts their health and welfare above corporate interests – AFL

Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan Despite the positive slogans, in the last two years the Kenney UCP government has made cuts to Albertans’ health care, education […]

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AFL calls for paid leave for COVID-19 vaccinations – AFL

EDMONTON – As more workers get ready to get their COVID-19 vaccines, the Alberta Federation of Labour wants to help remove barriers for workers by calling for the provincial government […]

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Hundreds of days late, Kenney’s wage top-up program for frontline workers lands with resounding thud – AFL

Plan for Critical Worker Benefit “is yet another UCP dumpster fire” EDMONTON – After hundreds of days of indecision and foot-dragging on the wage-support program for frontline workers, the Kenney […]

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Aggressive action by union and workers saves lives by shuttering COVID-ridden pork plant – AFL

But who will protect non-union workers as variants pick up steam across the province? Shocking AHS letter shows government didn’t act to protect workers at COVID-ridden pork plant. Instead of […]

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Kenney government’s wage support for frontline workers is late, cynical and divisive – AFL

EDMONTON – Today’s wage-support announcement for Alberta’s frontline workers is far too late, cynical and political, and continues to divide Alberta workers. “The Kenney government didn’t want to provide financial […]

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With new variants spreading in Alberta, AFL calls on Kenney to reverse plan to ease pandemic restrictions – AFL

McGowan also challenges other leaders to advocate for a “zero-COVID” strategy EDMONTON – In light of the alarming spread of new COVID variants in the province, the leader of Alberta’s […]

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