Alberta Government breaks promises – and laws – with wage freeze legislation

Edmonton – The Redford wage freeze breaks promises and breaks laws. The legislation, which the government tabled on Wednesday, will ignore the bargaining rights of hundreds of thousands of Albertans […]

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Government correspondence shows big business pulling the strings

AFL calls for independent review of shady lobbying activity by construction industry executives Edmonton – Secret documents suggest Alberta’s construction industry is exerting undue influence on government decisions. In the […]

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Minister’s secretive review of labour code fatally flawed: Biased process launched at the whim of lobby group, says AFL

A review of the labour code launched by Alberta employment minister Thomas Lukaszuk is doomed to fail unless the process is changed, says the province’s largest labour group. “The minister […]

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The Reason for the Labour Code Amendments: Rewarding Your Friends

A day after the government tabled its anti-worker Bill 26: The Labour Relations Amendment Act, Albertans are wondering what would motivate such a blatant attack on constitutionally-protected rights. The answer, […]

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Alberta Labour Law Once Again Stomps on Workers Rights

The decision rendered this morning by the Alberta Labour Relations Board (LRB) declaring the strike notice filed by the Carpenters union invalid is the latest example of how Alberta’s labour […]

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Change Labour Law or Expect Charter Challenges, Unions Warn Government

This Labour Day long weekend, the Alberta Federation of Labour is calling on Iris Evans, Minister of Employment, Industry and Immigration, to establish a review of Alberta labour relations legislation […]

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New LRB Protocol a Victory for Transparency

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) and the Communications Energy and Paperworkers Union (CEP) jointly announced today that they are withdrawing their legal action […]

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