Government cutbacks undermining education

More students, less money is a recipe for trouble Edmonton –A coalition of school employees is warning Albertans that the quality of our public education system is at risk. Frontline […]

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2013 Factsheet: Facts on Growing Schools and Decreasing Funding

Kids Not Cuts Fact Sheet: Facts on Growing Schools and Decreasing Funding October 28, 2013

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Imposed settlement for teachers a bad omen

Legislating contract undermines collective bargaining Edmonton – Legislation to impose a four-year contract on teachers is bad news for workers all over Alberta says the province’s largest labour organization. School […]

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Top court backs law barring teachers, school employees from being trustees in top court ruling

EDMONTON – The Supreme Court of Canada has upheld an Alberta law that forbids teachers and other school employees from seeking election or serving as school board trustees. In an […]

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Tories Stab Teachers in the Back, Says AFL

The Education Services Settlement Act, introduced today in the Legislature, is an affront to the principles of fair collective bargaining, says the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL). The Premier has […]

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Court ruling highlights important role strikes can play in resolving disputes

EDMONTON – The decision by the Alberta Court of Appeal to over-turn a government back-to-work order involving thousands of striking teachers is a victory for teachers on several levels, says […]

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Back-to-work order will not solve the problems plaguing our schools

EDMONTON – The government can use its legal clout to force teachers back to work, but they can’t make teachers and parents forget their concerns about over-crowded classrooms and chronic […]

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Union members encouraged to show active support for teachers in the event of a strike

EDMONTON – Unionized workers from around the province are being encouraged to actively support the Alberta Teachers Association and its members in the likely event of a teachers strike. In […]

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Calgary Catholic School Dispute Caused By Overworking Teachers, Says AFL

The lock-out of Calgary Catholic School Teachers which began this morning is the inevitable result of years of provincial cutbacks to education says Audrey Cormack, president of the Alberta Federation […]

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