Statement from the AFL about the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Economy – AFL

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is pleased and proud that Siobhán Vipond, secretary treasurer and acting president, has been named to the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Economy. […]

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Budget 2015 and 2016 Feedback – AFL

The Overview It is clear Alberta is facing a challenging fiscal landscape. But the problem has much more to do with revenue than spending. Past Progressive Conservative governments have been […]

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Albertans paying more for less

Provincial budget hurts front-line services as government blames workers Edmonton – Alberta’s 2015 budget shows that the government has public services in the crosshairs. The budget, tabled on Thursday, March […]

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2015 Backgrounder: How the Government Fudged Per-Capita Spending Figures

2015 Backgrounder: How the Government Fudged Per-Capita Spending Figures Backgrounder issued with New Release: Mar 11: Misleading numbers undermine Tory credibility

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2015 #PrenticeBlamesWomen

On International Women’s Day, the Premier of Alberta is framing his election campaign around an attack on women’s hard-earned equality gains Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is marking […]

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2015 Prentice blames Albertans. Unions launch campaign aimed at unmasking the real culprits: the Tories themselves

Better Way Alberta campaign offers Albertans solutions to government’s budget woes Edmonton – A coalition of major public-sector unions is launching a $500,000 province-wide campaign aimed at saving public services […]

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2015 Prentice blames Albertans. Unions respond with campaign unmasking the true culprit: the PC government itself

Instead of cutting services, we need to end sweetheart deals for corporations and the wealthy, says Better Way Alberta campaign Edmonton – In response to comments from Premier Jim Prentice […]

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2015 Public-sector unions roll out provincial campaign to oppose cuts at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

Better Way Alberta press conference scheduled for 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Edmonton – Because the government has scheduled a press conference at 1 p.m., and many reporters cannot make […]

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Prentice cuts will move Alberta to 8th place among provinces in terms of public spending

Cuts would weaken public services and deliver a significant blow to the provincial economy Edmonton – Proposed nine per cent cuts to government spending will drop Alberta to near the […]

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Proposed budget cuts would drop Alberta to near the back of the pack

Cuts would weaken public services and deliver a significant blow to the provincial economy Edmonton – Proposed nine per cent cuts to government spending will drop Alberta to near the […]

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Prentice budget cuts will deepen recession

Reckless PC spending cuts will make oil downturn worse for Albertans Edmonton – The nine per cent budget cuts proposed by finance minister Robin Campbell and Premier Jim Prentice will […]

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Alberta Government breaks promises – and laws – with wage freeze legislation

Edmonton – The Redford wage freeze breaks promises and breaks laws. The legislation, which the government tabled on Wednesday, will ignore the bargaining rights of hundreds of thousands of Albertans […]

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2013 Fact Sheet 2_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Supreme Court_2013

Fact Sheet 2_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Supreme Court_2013_Nov27 2 of 6 fact sheets issued

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2013 Fact Sheet 3_Alberta Economy Booming

Fact Sheet 3_Alberta Economy Booming_2013Nov27 3 0f 6 fact sheets issued

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Workers lost in the shuffle in flood relief efforts

Aid must cover lost wages as well as damaged property HIGH RIVER, AB – As flood rebuilding gets under way in earnest, and property owners begin to apply for compensation, […]

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Pipeline plans defended on last day of hearings

The provincial government’s demand that Northern Gateway conduct full-scale unannounced marine emergency response drills is not practical, the pipeline company said in its final argument on Monday. Northern Gateway lawyer […]

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Extend EI coverage for all Southern Alberta flood victims: AFL

Edmonton – Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan has called on the federal government to extend EI coverage for all those affected by floods in Southern Alberta. Only about […]

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Oil sands jobs should stay in Canada, not be shipped to China

AFL to make final arguments against Northern Gateway Pipeline EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is making the case that the Northern Gateway Pipeline is not in the best […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour makes case against Gateway

The Alberta Federation of Labour gave its final arguments against the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline on Monday, begging the joint review panel to reject the project. At a hearing in […]

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