Budget 2015 and 2016 Feedback – AFL

The Overview It is clear Alberta is facing a challenging fiscal landscape. But the problem has much more to do with revenue than spending. Past Progressive Conservative governments have been […]

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Albertans paying more for less

Provincial budget hurts front-line services as government blames workers Edmonton – Alberta’s 2015 budget shows that the government has public services in the crosshairs. The budget, tabled on Thursday, March […]

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Misleading numbers undermine Tory credibility

Edmonton –The Progressive Conservatives are building their budget arguments on a foundation of deception. The Tories have put out numbers claiming that Alberta’s per-capita spending is above the national average […]

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2015 Backgrounder: How the Government Fudged Per-Capita Spending Figures

2015 Backgrounder: How the Government Fudged Per-Capita Spending Figures Backgrounder issued with New Release: Mar 11: Misleading numbers undermine Tory credibility

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Prentice cuts will move Alberta to 8th place among provinces in terms of public spending

Cuts would weaken public services and deliver a significant blow to the provincial economy Edmonton – Proposed nine per cent cuts to government spending will drop Alberta to near the […]

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Proposed budget cuts would drop Alberta to near the back of the pack

Cuts would weaken public services and deliver a significant blow to the provincial economy Edmonton – Proposed nine per cent cuts to government spending will drop Alberta to near the […]

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Prentice budget cuts will deepen recession

Reckless PC spending cuts will make oil downturn worse for Albertans Edmonton – The nine per cent budget cuts proposed by finance minister Robin Campbell and Premier Jim Prentice will […]

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Alberta budget based on lies

Government puts itself on “collision course” with workers Edmonton – Today’s provincial budget is a flawed document designed around false economies and myths about public-sector workers. During his budget speech, […]

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2013 Fact Sheet 3_Alberta Economy Booming

Fact Sheet 3_Alberta Economy Booming_2013Nov27 3 0f 6 fact sheets issued

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Northern Gateway deal could shortchange Alberta

Pipeline tolls are deductible from royalties; agreement could cost Alberta taxpayers Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is warning that Albertans could be shortchanged for their natural resources if […]

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Extend EI coverage for all Southern Alberta flood victims: AFL

Edmonton – Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan has called on the federal government to extend EI coverage for all those affected by floods in Southern Alberta. Only about […]

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Internal budget document contradicts misleading mail out

Province does not collect fair share for conventional oil and gas Calgary – Alberta is close to last place in collecting a fair share of royalties from conventional oil and […]

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Media Advisory: Rock-bottom Royalties Costing Albertan Billions

Government mail-out misleading about efforts to collect fair share for taxpayers Alberta is nearly in last place in collecting a fair share of royalties from conventional oil and gas. On […]

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2011 Combined Royalty and Tax Measure Chart

The budget document includes a chart showing that every U.S. state is ahead of Alberta in collecting a fair share. The measurement used – called Combined Royalty and Tax Measure […]

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Doing the Heavy Lifting

Canada’s temporary foreign workers vulnerable to exploitation OTTAWA—José Sicajau, a Guatemalan man of Indigenous descent, had grown accustomed to exploitative conditions after several years as a Temporary Foreign Worker growing […]

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It’s clearly bad news’

The budget cuts to post-secondary education will not only trickle down and affect the entire Lethbridge economy, they will also have a negative impact on the quality of education and […]

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Bitumen bubble B.S.


The government saw it coming according to documents The Alberta Federation of Labour claims the Alberta government was warned in 2010 a cut in energy royalties would result in a […]

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Tories knew decision would lead to deficit

Internal report in 2010 warned of fiscal consequences from royalty cut Edmonton – Recently uncovered internal reports show that the Government of Alberta had long predicted this year’s deficits and […]

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