Refine it at home to pop bitumen bubble: AFL


Alberta’s current financial woes may offer a silver lining, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. Two weeks after Premier Alison Redford warned the province that resource royalties were expected to […]

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Report says pipeline squeeze could be ‘devastating’ to Canadian economy


CALGARY – The inability to get western Canadian crude to the right markets is costing the country’s economy dearly, according to a new report paid for by the Saskatchewan government. […]

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Public sector unions are girding to fight impending provincial cutbacks


Public sector unions are girding to fight impending provincial cutbacks driven by a multi-billion dollar cash crunch. And a prominent economist says Premier Alison Redford’s TV address to Albertans Thursday […]

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Unions, economists blast Alison Redford’s budget plans


CALGARY – Public sector unions are bracing to fight impending provincial cutbacks driven by a multi-billion dollar cash crunch. And a prominent economist said Premier Alison Redford’s TV address to […]

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Albertans being misled by talk of ‘bitumen bubble’

Real problems caused by low taxes, royalty giveaways and lack of upgrading strategy Alison Redford’s claims that Alberta’s financial woes are caused by a ‘bitumen bubble’ are a distraction. The […]

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Unions, economists blast Alison Redford’s budget plans


CALGARY – Public sector unions are bracing to fight impending provincial cutbacks driven by a multi-billion dollar cash crunch. And a prominent economist said Premier Alison Redford’s TV address to […]

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Oil differential darkens Alberta’s budget


It has been, for Alberta, a dismal new year. With pipelines out of the province effectively full, Canadian crude has become a discount brand, and once-expected money is evaporating. The […]

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Low oil prices darken Alberta’s fiscal forecast


EDMONTON — Lower-than-expected energy revenue has Alberta on track to post another deficit this year that could reach as high as $3 billion, require spending cuts and force the government […]

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Royalties and upgrading: Two words that politicians dare not utter

In the Harry Potter stories, characters are too afraid to utter the name of the villain, Voldemort. Something similar appears to be happening in the Alberta election when it comes […]

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Alberta election rivals applaud fiscal blueprint

NDP opposes environmental rule changes While Ottawa and the province have clashed in the past, the Conservative federal budget released Thursday received a warm reception from Alberta’s two main contenders […]

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Alberta Election 2012: Albertans OK with tax increases to fund essential services: poll

EDMONTON – Are Albertans ready to embrace the idea of tax increases? New polling suggests they might be, as long as the money is used for essential services and infrastructure. […]

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Alberta labour leaders react to federal budget

Unions fear attack on jobs will undermine economy, throw seniors into poverty Labour leaders from across Alberta will be keeping a close eye on the federal budget today to assess […]

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Harper budget proves the old adage: “Tory times are tough times”

Spending cuts, OAS changes and giveaways to corporations are unnecessary and irresponsible, say Alberta unions Based on the magnitude of the cuts and changes contained in today’s federal budget, you’d […]

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Assuring Alberta’s prosperity

If Albertans employed in the energy sector ever wonder why some people underestimate the vast contributions made by the oil and gas industry to Alberta’s prosperity, a new ad from […]

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Funding drop (letter to the editor)

Re: “Assuring Alberta’s prosperity,” Mark Milke, Opinion, March 25. Mark Milke disputes Alberta Federation of Labour attacks on the province’s funding of health care and education by situating Alberta’s per […]

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Editorial: Tax sleight of hand

City council displayed a brilliant act of mathemagic Monday by shuffling the no-win hand dealt by the province to keep the property tax increase at six per cent. It’s still […]

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Labour federation says energy companies made millions exploiting government loophole

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour says energy companies exploited a loophole in the province’s drilling stimulus programs, forcing the province to spend about $2.9 billion, more than double […]

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February 21 2012: Beyond Acute Care Conference; Better Way Alberta; Budget 2012; farm workers; HSAA information pickets

Last chance to see Ralph Nader and Maude Barlow at Beyond Acute Care Conference You have only until tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, Feb. 22) to register for the Beyond Acute Care: […]

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Alberta must be cautious about raising taxes

A concerted effort is now underway to ensure that Albertans have a “conversation” about current levels of taxation. Fair enough, but it seems that conversation is code for convincing Albertans […]

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Alberta pre-election budget hikes spending, raids savings, runs deficit

EDMONTON – Premier Alison Redford’s Alberta Tories delivered a pre-election budget Thursday that increased spending to record levels and raided billions from the piggy bank, but promised the province will […]

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Budget 2012: Tax and Royalty Giveaways

“No honest conversation with Albertans on Revenues in Budget 2012” – McGowan Edmonton – Alberta cannot hope to have great health and education services and fewer deficits without ending corporate […]

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Alberta’s Electrolux Speech: Breathtaking in its vacuity, but quite possibly effective

It was either the best of Throne Speeches or it was the worst of Throne Speeches. Heck, maybe it was both at the same time. Yesterday being the 200th anniversary […]

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Kevin Taft follows Alberta’s money and finds out where it all went

Sooner or later, all conversations about the Alberta economy in the modern era come down to one key question: Where the hell did all the money go? I guess you […]

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The tax-reform elephant in the room: Stelmach’s fate a cautionary tale for politicians who dare touch royalties

It is the most contentious, the most polarizing and perhaps the most important topic in Alberta politics – which is why it will probably never be an issue in the […]

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