Labour skeptical about compulsory arbitration process

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour will be watching the compulsory binding arbitration process forced upon Calgary paramedics by the government. “When the government established a public emergency tribunal, […]

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How smart are the suits at silly hall? Just wise enough to play stupid! In the ambulance labour war it’s really all the pinstripes have to do.

The suits of silly hall are often silly, but not as often stupid. They know they don’t have to actually negotiate with our world-class paramedics any more than they wish. […]

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EMS edges closer to strike; Paramedics reject arbitration offer

The city’s paramedics are moving ahead with strike preparations after again rejecting an offer to enter into binding arbitration to settle their contract dispute. And while they won’t be specific […]

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Calgary paramedics reject binding arbitration

Edmonton Journal, Page B5, Sat July 21 2007Byline: Kim Guttormson CALGARY – Calgary’s paramedics are moving ahead with what are likely futile strike preparations, after rejecting an offer to enter […]

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Government Creates False “Emergency” to Strip Ambulance Workers of Rights

The AFL reacted to the government announcement of a Public Emergency Tribunal in the Edmonton paramedic dispute by denouncing it as an act of a “two bit dictator”. The move […]

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