Government must put the retirement security of Albertans ahead of CFIB fearmongering – AFL

Expansion of the Canada Pension Plan is the most efficient and effective way to ensure the financial security of Albertans in their old age Edmonton – The Government of Alberta […]

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Redford needs to stop blocking sensible CPP reforms

Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) ads say Redford has an opportunity to make positive history – or to go down in the books as the Premier who ignored Canada’s retirement […]

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2013 CPP Ad_Edm Journal Section A12_2013Dec13

2013 CPP Ad_Edm Journal Section A12_2013Dec13

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Redford is wrong when she says “Albertans feel comfortable with where they are” on pensions and retirement security

Polling shows Albertans are just as worried about retirement security as other Canadians and would overwhelming support expansion of CPP Edmonton – Premier Alison Redford is out of step with […]

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Federation Presidents: Premiers should fight back against Ottawa’s low-wage schemes

It has become clear that the federal government, supported by a number of employer organizations, has a plan for transforming Canada’s labour market in ways that will profoundly hurt Canadians. […]

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CPP Reform Delayed likely to be CPP Reform Denied – McGowan: Decision to ice CPP expansion in favour of “further study” bodes ill for Canadians’ retirement security

Kananaskis – Alberta Federation of Labour Gil McGowan says the federal-provincial finance ministers’ decision to put CPP expansion on ice misses an historic opportunity for retirement security for millions of […]

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Harper/Flaherty Pension Scheme a Holiday Gift to the Banks; a Lump of Coal for Canadians:Taking CPP expansion off the table would be a betrayal of what Canadians need and want

Edmonton – Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has betrayed generations of Canadians by suggesting that expansion of the Canada Pension Plan should be taken off the table at the meeting […]

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An open letter to Canada’s finance ministers: “Ted Morton does not speak for Albertans on CPP expansion!” Alberta Federation of Labour President urges fellow Canadians to move forward…

Edmonton – Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan released an open letter to Canada’s provincial and federal finance ministers today, urging them to move ahead with reform to the […]

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