2015 Prentice blames Albertans. Unions launch campaign aimed at unmasking the real culprits: the Tories themselves

Better Way Alberta campaign offers Albertans solutions to government’s budget woes Edmonton – A coalition of major public-sector unions is launching a $500,000 province-wide campaign aimed at saving public services […]

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2015 Prentice blames Albertans. Unions respond with campaign unmasking the true culprit: the PC government itself

Instead of cutting services, we need to end sweetheart deals for corporations and the wealthy, says Better Way Alberta campaign Edmonton – In response to comments from Premier Jim Prentice […]

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2015 Public-sector unions roll out provincial campaign to oppose cuts at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

Better Way Alberta press conference scheduled for 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Edmonton – Because the government has scheduled a press conference at 1 p.m., and many reporters cannot make […]

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LCOP MEDIA ADVISORY: Labour leaders at legislature to show opposition to pension bills

EDMONTON – Despite months of protests, and despite all opposition parties uniting against the proposals, the Government is moving forward on controversial public‐sector pension legislation today. The union leaders representing […]

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Frontline public employees rally today against imposed cuts to modest pensions

Frontline public employees are rallying today at multiple locations throughout Alberta to defend their modest pensions against imposed cuts to their retirement savings unilaterally introduced by the Redford Government. “Nobody […]

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Redford government fudging pension numbers

New analysis reveals truth about Alberta’s shrinking pension liability EDMONTON – The unfunded liability of Alberta’s public-sector pension plans is already a billion dollars smaller than Finance Minister Doug Horner […]

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Public union leaders challenge Alberta to address “the real retirement crisis”

Edmonton – Expressing their grave concern about the still-unknown contents of the Alberta government’s pension policy announcement tomorrow, the presidents of Alberta’s four largest public service unions and the Alberta […]

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Asbestos is a killer’; Labour leaders concerned over potential health risks to road workers

Labour leaders are expressing grave concerns about dozens of city roads revealed by the Sun to contain toxic asbestos. And while city officials claim there is no public danger, they […]

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West guards energy riches: Stelmach warns premiers off cash grab

The premiers of Alberta and Saskatchewan scuttled notions of a national cap-and-trade program Wednesday, warning other provincial and territorial heads they consider it a thinly-disguised attempt to siphon their provinces’ […]

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Concern Over Asbestos In Calgary Streets

Some strong words for The City of Calgary when it comes to the discovery of dangerously toxic asbestos in Calgary streets. A report for The City shows core samples taken […]

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Calgary paramedics reject binding arbitration

Edmonton Journal, Page B5, Sat July 21 2007Byline: Kim Guttormson CALGARY – Calgary’s paramedics are moving ahead with what are likely futile strike preparations, after rejecting an offer to enter […]

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