2015 #PrenticeBlamesWomen

On International Women’s Day, the Premier of Alberta is framing his election campaign around an attack on women’s hard-earned equality gains Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is marking […]

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Cuts to early childhood project will hurt children and families

Project flagged Alberta’s failing grade on early childhood education Edmonton – The government’s decision not to continue the Early Childhood Mapping Project will hurt children and families. Using international standards […]

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Albertans reject austerity

Nurses, teachers, health sciences professionals, and public employees urge government to listen to majority of Albertans Edmonton – Labour leaders are standing up for the majority of Albertans who do […]

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Alberta women falling behind, say union leaders: Labour calls for government action to end gender inequality

Today, more than a dozen MLAs are hearing from union leaders calling for a minister to be made responsible for the Status of Women in the province. “Alberta’s women continue […]

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Policy Statement on Child Care (2007)

Policy Statement on Child Care (May 2007) Policy statement presented at AFL 45th Constitutional Convention, May 10 – 13, 2007

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Majority of Albertans do not support federal child care plans

Edmonton – A poll conducted by Public Interest Alberta (PIA) and the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) indicates that most Albertans do not support the Harper government’s plans to replace […]

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Tories Need to Pull Heads out of the Sand on Child Care

The Conservative government needs to stop living in an ideological past that no longer exists and support a national child care program, says the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today. […]

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2005 May Speech Don’t Cut Alberta Kids Out of National Day Care Campaign

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Campaign Launch News Conference, May 2005 (In the spring of 2005, the AFL joined Public Interest Alberta in launching a province-wide […]

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Federal government ignores promises on health care and children

EDMONTON – The federal government has squandered an historic opportunity to restore the health of Canada’s Medicare system and build new programs to help Canadian families in the 21st century, […]

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AFL throws its support behind campaign for national childcare program

EDMONTON – If Jean Chretien’s Liberals really want to do something significant to mark National Child Day on Saturday, they should live up to their promises and establish a comprehensive […]

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