Charges against Lakeside Officials Demonstrate Company “Thinks It Can do Whatever It Wants”

EDMONTON-The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) responded today to reports that four officials from Lakeside Packers – including the plant’s former CEO, Garnet Altwasser, and the current farm operations manager, […]

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AFL Proposes new, fast resolution to Lakeside strike

In a letter faxed to Human Resources and Employment Minster Mike Cardinal today, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has proposed a fast and fair way to resolve the dispute […]

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2005 Oct Speaking Notes Federal Employment Standards Review

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, October 11, 2005 Good afternoon. Welcome to Alberta and thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. I’m here […]

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AFL Calls on Minister to Take Action to Resolve Lakeside Dispute

EDMONTON-The AFL today reacted to Tyson Food’s rejection of the Disputes Inquiry Board (DIB) recommendations to resolve the Lakeside Foods dispute by calling on the Minister to use the full […]

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Prominent Albertans urging Minster to end CBC Lock-out

Edmonton: A number of well known community, labour, academic, arts and municipal leaders have signed an open letter to Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan, urging her to use her influence […]

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Government appointed mediator must be respected by Tyson Foods

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is calling upon Mike Cardinal, the Minister of Human Resources and Employment, to make sure that Tyson Foods, Inc, the giant American […]

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Unions in Alberta and B.C. launch campaign to support Telus workers

At a series of three coordinated rallies in Vancouver, Edmonton and Calgary Thursday evening, the Alberta Federation of Labour and the B.C. Federation of Labour unveiled the first phase of […]

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Telus engaged in bullying, not bargaining

EDMONTON-The reputation for good labour relations and excellent service earned over many years by Alberta Government Telephones, EdTel and BCTel have been poured down the drain of corporate mismanagement by […]

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Government must resolve meat packing dispute – not simply delay it

EDMONTON-The Alberta government decision to delay the strike for two months at the Lakeside Packers in Brooks by calling a Disputes Inquiry Board (DIB) is a step in the right […]

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2005 June Speech OEM Rally

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, June 29, 2005 We’re here today because a crime has been committed. Laws that were supposed to protect workers have been […]

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Labour Board Reneges on key decision

EDMONTON – In a key decision released today, the Alberta Labour Relations Board has, once again, proven itself little more than a lapdog for big business, says Gil McGowan, the […]

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2005 February Speech TWU Northern Alberta Reporting Meeting

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, February 2005 Good afternoon. My name is Kerry Barrett and I’m here to bring greetings on behalf of the Alberta Federation […]

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AFL encourages Edmontonians to tune into A-Channel

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is formally lifting a union-led viewer boycott of A-Channel as workers at the station head back to their jobs today after a grueling […]

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Lack of government disclosure sinks union court challenge

The Alberta Federation of Labour reacted with disappointment early today after the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench ruled there wasn’t enough evidence to proceed with a case against the Labour […]

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Government plans war on nurses early in the New Year

AFL Year-end Message Looking ahead to the New Year, it’s clear the Labour movement will have a lot on its plate. New rules on drug and alcohol testing in the […]

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A-Channel attempts to muzzle free speech

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour and the union representing striking A-Channel workers have jointly filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against A-Channel. The unions claim the station attempted to […]

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2003 November Speech Alberta New Democrat Convention

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, November 2003 Good morning. I probably don’t have to tell you that it has not been a banner year for labour […]

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2003 October Speech United Nurses of Alberta Annual General Meeting

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, October 2003 Good morning. It’s been 70 years since Alberta had a government that could even be loosely described as worker […]

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Forcing nurses into binding arbitration is a “recipe for disaster,” says AFL

EDMONTON – Alberta’s health care system could be thrown into chaos if the province’s nine regional health authorities are successful in their bid to force nurses into binding arbitration, says […]

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2003 August Speech International Forum on Privatization of Public Services

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, August 2003 (Oslo, Norway) Good morning and thank you for the warm welcome. As you’ve already heard, my name is Les […]

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2003 April Speech Alberta CUPE Convention

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, April 2003 As trade unionists we are currently living through a period that can best be described as schizophrenic. It’s a […]

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New regulations set the stage for attack on health care workers rights, contracts

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is responding angrily to regulations released yesterday that flesh-out the provincial government’s controversial new labour law, Bill 27. The regulations “trample on […]

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Dark day for labour relations in Alberta

EDMONTON – By ramming Bill 27 through the Legislature, the Alberta government has abandoned all pretence that it is an impartial third party when it comes to labour relations in […]

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Health workers set to rally against Bill 27

EDMONTON – Health care workers from seven different unions will rally at the Legislature over the lunch hour tomorrow to protest Bill 27, the government’s controversial amendment to the Alberta […]

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