Consumer advocate cautions voters on politicians using “creative language” on health care in upcoming election

EDMONTON – With a provincial election expected this spring, voters are going to be wooed by politicians using “creative language” to promise improved health care when they’re elected, consumer advocate […]

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Conservative decision on upgrader reveals real priority is shipping raw bitumen

Tories acting to benefit pipeline companies and foreign oil interests, says AFL The Conservative government’s withdrawal of support for an upgrader clearly shows its priority is exporting raw bitumen instead […]

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February 21 2012: Beyond Acute Care Conference; Better Way Alberta; Budget 2012; farm workers; HSAA information pickets

Last chance to see Ralph Nader and Maude Barlow at Beyond Acute Care Conference You have only until tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, Feb. 22) to register for the Beyond Acute Care: […]

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Alberta pre-election budget hikes spending, raids savings, runs deficit

EDMONTON – Premier Alison Redford’s Alberta Tories delivered a pre-election budget Thursday that increased spending to record levels and raided billions from the piggy bank, but promised the province will […]

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Budget 2012: Tax and Royalty Giveaways

“No honest conversation with Albertans on Revenues in Budget 2012” – McGowan Edmonton – Alberta cannot hope to have great health and education services and fewer deficits without ending corporate […]

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Alberta’s Electrolux Speech: Breathtaking in its vacuity, but quite possibly effective

It was either the best of Throne Speeches or it was the worst of Throne Speeches. Heck, maybe it was both at the same time. Yesterday being the 200th anniversary […]

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Report warns of Gateway pipeline ‘price shock’

A new report says the Northern Gateway pipeline will boost crude oil prices $2 to $3 per barrel annually over the next 30 years, causing significant damage to consumers, businesses […]

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Northern Gateway Would Hurt Economy, Study Says

A study endorsed by opponents of the Northern Gateway pipeline proposed by Calgary-based Enbridge says it would cause an oil “price shock” to Canada’s economy. The economic assessment was done […]

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Northern Gateway pipeline will hurt consumers and harm Canada’s already weakened manufacturing sector

CEO and labour leader agree: Canada should upgrade bitumen rather than send value-added jobs to China and U.S. Building a pipeline to send millions of barrels of raw bitumen from […]

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The tax-reform elephant in the room: Stelmach’s fate a cautionary tale for politicians who dare touch royalties

It is the most contentious, the most polarizing and perhaps the most important topic in Alberta politics – which is why it will probably never be an issue in the […]

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Kevin Taft follows Alberta’s money and finds out where it all went

Sooner or later, all conversations about the Alberta economy in the modern era come down to one key question: Where the hell did all the money go? I guess you […]

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Tax and royalty giveaways have led to deficits and unwarranted pressure on services, says new campaign: Coalition calls for “Obama-style” debate on taxes and royalties In lead-up to …

EDMONTON – Ever wonder why Alberta, Canada’s wealthiest province, is running a $3-billion deficit and saying it can’t afford to maintain middle-of-the-road spending on vital public services? That’s the question […]

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Alberta’s artificially low taxes could set off a “race to the bottom” that’s bad news for all Canadians, says prominent Alberta author and politician

New book shows Alberta wealth is going to corporate profits, not public services How is it that a province as wealthy as Alberta is running deficits and says it must […]

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Alberta ‘leaving too much on the table,’ ex-Liberal leader says: With corporate profits three times the average in other provinces, why is Alberta struggling with a budget deficit, Ke…

EDMONTON — This province is a great place to do business, but if Albertans knew just how great, they might have some tough questions for the provincial government, Alberta’s former […]

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Health care’s future now up to premiers: Labour leaders call on provinces to unite against Ottawa’s plans

The future of Canada’s health care system is at a critical stage. As leaders of the provincial and territorial Federations of Labour, we have issued a call to the country’s […]

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Federation of Labour Presidents call on Premiers to stand up for health care

The Presidents of the provincial and territorial Federations of Labour are calling on Canada’s Premiers to reject an irresponsible Federal Conservative “plan” for health care. In an open letter from […]

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Almost half of new positions created in province

Close to half of all the jobs created in Canada were in Alberta and the province also maintained the lowest unemployment rate, according to numbers released Friday. Through 2011, about […]

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Oil and government: The energy industry has more influence than you

When Gil McGowan, president of the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), walked into a conference room in Kananaskis to observe the meeting of energy ministers from across Canada in July, […]

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Labour group offers real solutions to Alberta’s deficit problems: Wealthy province can afford to protect services by adopting simple revenue fixes, says AFL

The Alberta government must do a better job of collecting revenue to provide the vital public services Albertans have clearly said they want, according to the 2012 Budget submission sent […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour applauds Keystone XL delay: It’s a chance to consider value-added opportunities in Alberta, says McGowan

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour applauds the Obama administration’s decision to delay the Keystone XL pipeline, saying it will give the Redford government an opportunity to pursue value-added […]

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Labour leaders call on MPs to help stop “job-killing” Keystone XL pipeline: Approving Keystone XL is not in the interests of Albertans and Canadians

Canadian politicians have been acting against the interests of their own citizens in pitching the Keystone XL pipeline, says the leader of Alberta’s largest labour organization. “Members of the Alberta […]

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Gary Mar must answer $660-million question: Will he cut services again to pay for his latest gift to wealthy corporations?

Gary Mar has a $660-million question to answer if he wants to become Premier of Alberta, says the province’s largest labour group. “That’s how much money Mar will be giving […]

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Alberta-based bitumen upgrading is plummeting, new figures show: ERCB projections demonstrate that Tories have turned their backs on promises to keep oil sands jobs in the province, says…

New figures released today by the Alberta Federation of Labour show that the percentage of oil-sands bitumen upgraded in the province will drop to 52 per cent by 2016 – […]

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Unions urge energy ministers to keep oil-sands jobs in Canada instead of shipping them “down the pipeline” to U.S. and China: “A true national energy strategy has to be about more …

Is the meeting of energy ministers currently underway in Kananaskis a real attempt to develop an energy strategy that works for Canadians in all regions of the country? Or is […]

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